Wednesday Seminars
Lecture series of the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Wednesday 5 pm, Übungsraum, IKSA, NIG, Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Wien, 4th Floor
The Wednesday Seminars are the regular lecture series of the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology. Every Wednesday during the semester current research as well as controversial and relevant questions from within the discipline and the general public are picked out and examined in expert talks.
The lecture series is open to contributions from within the wider discipline of anthropology and beyond.
The talks serve as impulses for an intellectual exchange between the presenter and the audience.
The Wednesday Seminars are a forum that introduces our guests (guest professors and visiting scholars) and encourages resident researchers to present their current work to the scholarly community.
In the academic year 2024/25, the seminar series is organized by Olga Povoroznyuk and Christoph Fink.
hybrid event
The seminars are held in a hybrid format - registration is not required:
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Summer Term 2025
- 26.03.2025 Vincent Dubois (HS-A!) *** joint event with Department of Sociology ***
Surveillance and Sanctions over Recipients: A Coercive Turn in Social Welfare
- 02.04.2025 Elissa Helms
Humanitarianism, Citizenship, or Solidarity? Bosnian Border Residents' Surreptitious Aid to Illegalized Migrants Along the Balkan Route to the EU
- 09.04.2025 Mathijs Pelkmans
Retrofitting Graves on the Georgian-Turkish Border
- 30.04.2025 Working Group against intersectional discrimination and racism
- 28.05.2025 Anna-Marie Walter
Living with Ice: Between Engineering and Vitality. Perspectives from the Alps and the Himalayas
11.06.2025 Andreas Streinzer
Uncanny Recursions: Re-Becoming Other in Crisis Capitalism
- 25.06.2025 Sharryn Kasmir
Winter Term 2024/25
- 24.10.2024 (Donnerstag!) Hilal Alkan
Emplacement, Intimate Care and Human-Plant Relations in Migration - 06.11.2024 Amalinda Savirani
Governing Urban Indonesia - 13.11.2024 Stephan Dudeck
"Mission Almost Impossible" - Doing Collaborative Anthropology with Indigenous Peoples in Russia under an Authoritarian Regime at War - 20.11.2024 Ayo Wahlberg
Surveillance Life - Predisposed in Welfare State Denmark - 04.12.2024 Emi Köhler, Noah Egger, Vinzenz Fischer
Representing the Underrepresented: Methodological Reflections - 11.12.2024 Natalia Picaroni-Sobrado
Woman, Land, and Memory: Speaking Nearby and Making with Women in the Andes.
Talk and Film Screening: Eva (2024) and Qhapaq Ñan (2024) - 15.01.2025 Greca Meloni
Filmscreening: The Journey of the Bees - Nomadic Beekeeping in Europe
--> Trailer (Youtube) - 22.01.2025 Nasima Selim
Conspiring Cities: How South Asian Cities Inspire and Suffocate (More Than) Human Life Worlds
- 24.10.2024 (Donnerstag!) Hilal Alkan
Summer Term 2024
- 06.03.2024 Hana Cervinkova
Everlasting Post-Socialism? Reflections on Legitimate Violence after „Transition“ - 13.03.2024 Angéla Kóczé
Gender, Race, Class: Romani Women Social Struggles in Central and Eastern Europe - 20.03.2024 Thomas Stodulka
Tasting the Soil and Sensing the Future: Pedagogies of hope and prospects in Timor-Leste’s Permaculture Youth Camps - 24.04.2024 Sanderien Verstappen & Katharina Gartner *** not hybrid ***
Podcasts and Films: Anthropology for the Ears and Eyes - 15.05.2024 Patrick Naef
Resilient Barrios: Criminal Governance and Intimacy in Medellin - 29.05.2024 Atreyee Sen
Urban Poverty, Public Romance and Violent Moral Policing of Lower-Class Female Youth in Mumbai - 19.06.2024 Natashe Lemos Dekker
Withdrawing from the world: Finitude, alienation, and everyday experiences of aging in Brazil
- 06.03.2024 Hana Cervinkova
Winter Term 2023/24
- 18.10.2023 Sahana Udupa
Porn Politics: Sexism and Political Violence on Social Media - 22.11.2023 Filmscreening Evelyne Puchegger-Ebner
"WHAT'S UP/WhatsApp? Media Framing and Everyday Practice of the Virtual Community": Student Short Films - 29.11.2023 Anna Jabloner
California: Histories of the Future at the Technological Frontier - 06.12.2023 Sarah Mazouz
The Unspoken and the Speakable: Race in a Colorblind Context - 13.12.2023 Philipp Schorch
Indigenous Multiplicities: Collecting, Filming, Exhibiting - 10.01.2024 Roberta Raffaetà
The Microbiome and Its Technology: An Ethnographic Exploration - 17.01.2024 Geoffrey Rathgeb Aung
Derivative Life: Scenes from a War to Become Human - 31.01.2024 Mirco Göpfert
On cockroaches: Or, everything is fine! Cartooning in dislocation and the story of M.
- 18.10.2023 Sahana Udupa
Summer Term 2023
- 15.03.2023 Eva Nisa
When the Islamic Cultural Industry Call: Lee Kum Kee in Malaysia - 29.03.2023 Felipe Fernández
Violent Flows: State and Water Infrastructures in the Port City of Buenaventura, Colombia - 19.04.2023 Sita Hidayah
Decolonizing Anthropology in Indonesia 26.04.2023 Franz Krause
Sharing life: Inuvialuit whaling and the politics of respecting animals- 17.05.2023 Ayşe Seda Yüksel-Pecen
Wealth and War: Local Context of Urban Entrepreneurialism in Southeastern Turkey - 24.05.2023 Ashley Carse
Logistics, place & the racialization of nature - 14.06.2023 Cameron Hu
The Earth Explicated: Representing and Intervening in West Texas - 21.06.2023 Sune Haugbølle
Researching Entangled Revolutions: Palestine's transformation into a global leftist cause
- 15.03.2023 Eva Nisa
Winter Term 2022/23
- 12.10.2022 Johanna Markkula
What is a Ship?
- 16.11.2022 Lana Salman
Nomadism: The Racialization of Peripheral Life in Colonial Tunisia
- 23.11.2022 Gwen Burnyeat
The Face of Peace: Government Pedagogy amid Disinformation in Colombia
- 30.11.2022 Özgün Eylül İşcen
Black Box Allegories of Gulf Futurism: The Irreducible Other of Logistical Capitalism
- 07.12.2022 Stefan Tarnowski
The Logics and Logistics of Stabilisation: Beyond the Borders of Humanitarian Reason
- 19.01.2023 (Donnerstag) Jonathan Fine (SR-D)
What are ethnographic museums good for in the 21st century?
- 25.01.2023 Jaanika Vider
On the Tracks of Maria Czaplicka: An Ethnography of a Collection
- 12.10.2022 Johanna Markkula
Summer Term 2022
09.03.2022 Shahram Khosravi
Doing Migration Studies with an Accent.
- 06.04.2022 David Shankland
On the Historiography of Malinowski, or Thoughts Provoked by the Centenary of Argonauts of the Western Pacific.
27.04.2022 María Fernanda Olarte-Sierra
When a Pandemic Hits Peace: Forensic Practice, Victim Identification, and Transitional Justice in (Post)Conflict Colombia.
Donnerstag, 28.04.2022 Ståle Knudsen
How to Account for Patterns, Trends and Shifts in Political Ecology? Mobilizing Critical Realism to Enable Analysis beyond Diffuse Actor-Networks.
04.05.2022 Jessica Greenberg
From Compromise to Complicity: Managing the Crisis of Rule of Law at the Council of Europe.
11.05.2022 Grazyna Kubica-Heller
Intersubjectivity of Siberian Ethnography of Maria Czaplicka (1916) and Its Recent Artistic Representation.
18.05.2022 Agnieszka Pasieka
Fascisms of our Time.
25.05.2022 Veronika Siegl
When Birth and Death Coalesce: Prenatal Medicine, Pregnancy Termination and Un/Born Life.
- 01.06.2022 Till Mostowlansky
Road's End: Pathways and Spaces across a Divided High Asia.
- 08.06.2022 Stefan Leins
The Work of Financial Market Experts: A Cultural Approach.
- 15.06.2022 Chandana Mathur
A Strike to Remember: Ethnographic Reflections on the Conditions of Possibility for Labour Resistance in the U.S. Heartland.
Winter Term 2019/20
- 29.01.2020 Peter Geschiere
The ‘Witchcraft of the House’ Is Going Global - Occult Threats and Transcontinental Migration
- 30.10.2019 Krisztina Fehervary
Retro-branding and the Re-mattering of National History in Hungary
- MO, 21.10.2019 Andrea De Antoni
The Beginning is the End is the Beginning - Embodied Memories, Imagination and Ontogensesis in Spirit Possession and Healing in Contemporary Japan and Italy
- 09.10.2019 Susan McKinnon
The Work of the Eugenics Record Office in the United States: Technologies for Pathologizing and Terminating „Degenerate“ Family Lines and „Purifying“ the Nation
- 02.10.2019 Monica Heller
Language, Capitalism, Colonialism: A Critical Genealogy
- 29.01.2020 Peter Geschiere
Summer Term 2019
Critique In/Of Anthropology - A subseries (Programme)
- THU 13.06.2019 Helena Wulff
Ambiguous Arrival: Emotions, Emplacement and the Migrant Encounter with Sweden
- 12.06.2019 Janet Carsten
Imagining and Living New Worlds: The Dynamics of Kinship in Contexts of Mobility and Migration
- 05.06.2019 Ratna Saptari
Kartini and Beyond: Unity and Diversity in the Indonesian Women's Movement
- 29.05.2019 Stephen Reyna
Streetcars Named Frohe Zukunft: Through Streets of Climate Change and Political-Economy
- 22.05.2019 Ruth Mandel
Memories at the margins: Stolpersteine and grievability in Norway and beyond
- CANCELLED: 03.04.2019 Julia Eckert (part of the series "Critique In/Of Anthropology")
The truth in our politics, the politics in our truths
27.03.2019 Didier Fassin (part of the series "Critique In/Of Anthropology")
Blow Up. A Critical Approach to Ethnographic Exposures
TUE 19.03.2019 Ghassan Hage (part of the series "Critique In/Of Anthropology")
The critique of tone and the tone of critique
- THU 13.06.2019 Helena Wulff
Winter Term 2018/19
Critique In/Of Anthropology - A subseries (Programme)
- 30.01.2019 Lisa Lehner
Good Diagnostics? Caring for “Good Health” in the Case of Hepatitis C Testing
- MO, 16:30 Uhr 21.01.2019 Birgit Meyer
Figurations and Sensations of the Unseen. ‘Idolatry’ Beyond the Second Commandment
- 12.12.2018 Jeanette Edwards (part of the series "Critique In/Of Anthropology")
The body, beauty and botox: revisiting the 'awkward relationship' between feminism and anthropology
- 28.11.2018 Cristiana Giordano
Exceeding Crisis: The Psychic Life of Drawings
- 21.11.2018 Elisabeth Huber
Affective Efforts of Research Data Management
- 24.10.2018 Richard Rottenburg (part of the series "Critique In/Of Anthropology")
Critique, post-foundationalism and the need to do the right thing
- MO 15.10.2018 Valery Tishkov
Russia's cultural diversity and its perceptions
- MO 01.10.2018 Alan Mabin
‘Southern theory’ and the tricky question of comparing cities across the world
- 30.01.2019 Lisa Lehner
Summer Term 2018
- 20.06.2018 18:30 Johannes Neurath
Die Ambivalenz der Gabe in einer komplexen Gesellschaft gegen den Staat: Ritual und Autonomie der Wixarika West-Mexikos
- 13.06.2018 Stan Frankland
The paradox of the performing ‘Pygmy’
- DI 12.06.2018 Pamila Gupta
Balcony, Shutter, Door: Baroque Heritage Making in Stone Town (Zanzibar)
- 06.06.2018 Tereza Kuldova
On the Rise of Popular Support of Outlaw Bikers: When Fictions and Weakening States Collude
- 30.05.2018 Paul "Jim" Roscoe
Climate Change and the End-Times: Anticipating Apocalyptic Responses to Climate Change
- DO 24.05.2018 Tony Crook
Climate Change Cosmologies
- 23.05.2018 Dominique Casajus
The Tuareg alphabets, their contemporary use and their history: an overview
- 16.05.2018 Cora Bender
Sovereign Health: Native North American Medical Practices in a Globalized World
- 09.05.2018 Ethnocineca (
Sondertermin im Rahmen der Ethnocineca 2018
Angela de Souza Torresan
Guto and Graça: Ethnographic Films and Storytelling
- 02.05.2018 Steffi Grundmann
Haut und Haar im klassischen Griechenland
- 18.04.2018 Justin Stagl
Karl Czoernigs 'Ethnographie der Oesterreichischen Monarchie" (1855-57), der 'Funktionalismus' und die Schranken des 'ethnographischen Blicks'
- 11.04.2018 Graham Roberts
Queering the Stitch: Fashion, Masculinity and the Post-Socialist Subject
- 21.03.2018 Tony O'Brien
Cultural challenges in health systems and improvement of health care. Employing anthropological findings in the diverse social environment of the Irish Health Sector
- DO, 18:30 Uhr 15.03.2018 Sarah Strauss
Energy, Culture, and the AnthropoScene
- 14.03.2018 Peter Rohrbacher
„Personalrochaden“: Die Wiener Völkerkunde und der „Anschluss“ 1938
- 07.03.2018 Jaka Repič
The Impact of Mobilities on Visual Arts in the Slovene Diaspora in Argentina
- 20.06.2018 18:30 Johannes Neurath
Winter Term 2017/18
- 24.01.2018 Dominik Schieder (in Kooperation mit der Österreichischen Südpazifischen Gesellschaft)
(Multi-)ethnic sociality in context: Fiji Islander Migrant organisations in Japan and the United Kingdom
- 17.01.2018 Georg Gappmayer (in Kooperation mit den Wiener Dialogen der Medizinanthropologie)
Die Herstellung von Differenz in der Wertigkeit von Menschen mit intellektueller Beeinträchtigung
- 10.01.2018 Philipp Mitteröcker
An evolutionary model of human childbirth: Mathematics in-between biology, medicine, and society
- 13.12.2017 Mario Biagini
The Politics of Community. What is the political potential of art? What is the political responsibility of artists?
- DO 07.12.2017, 16:30 Ole Wittmann
Tätowierungs- und Professionalisierungsgeschichte
- 29.11.2017 Paschalis M. Laksono (in Kooperation mit der Austrian-Indonesian Society)
The 2006 Yogakarta Earthquake: A Case Study of Media and the Power of Representation
- 22.11.2017 Cati Coe (in Kooperation mit dem Institut für Afrikawissenschaften)
Beyond Kin Care? Inscriptions on Aging in Southern Ghana
- 08.11.2017 Robert Rotenberg
Landscape and Power, Revisited
- FR 03.11.2017, 09.45, HS A, KSA Erich Kasten (im Rahmen der RV "Mehr als nur Haut")
Körper - Körperwahrnehmung - Körperwahrnehmungsstörungen
- 25.10.2017 Wiedereröffnung des Weltmuseums
Wir sehen uns dort!
- DI 17.10.2017 Joost Fontein (am Institut für Afrikawissenschaften)
Political accidents and unfinished death in Zimbabwe
- 11.10.2017 Stephan Hochleithner
Displacement as Enclosure. Socio-economic transformation amidst ongoing armed conflict in eastern DR Congo
- 24.01.2018 Dominik Schieder (in Kooperation mit der Österreichischen Südpazifischen Gesellschaft)
Summer Term 2017
- 28.06.2017 Bettina Beer
Changing social inequalities under the impact of large-scale capitalist projects: Non-Wampar (yaner) workers in the Markham Valley, Papua New Guinea
- 21.06.2017 Georg Klute
Political Orders in the Making: a comparative study of emerging forms of political Organisation from Libya to Northern Mali
- 18.00 14.06.2017 Katja Geisenhainer
Zur Person: Marianne Schmidl
- 18.30 07.06.2017 Martha-Cecilia Dietrich
Towards an Anthropology of Culpability? Ethnographic Reflections on the Formation of Violent Subjects.
- 31.05.2017 Sveta Yamin-Pasternak und Igor Pasternak
Gastronomy at Higher Latitudes: Lessons and Conversations with the Bering Strait Epicures
- 24.05.2017 Patrick Plattet
Teaching ethnographic methods online trough multimedia examination of human/animal Relations in Alaskan dog-mushing
- DI 23.05.2017, 17.00 Pamila Gupta (am Institut für Afrikawissenschaften)
Blue Johannesburg
- 17.05.2017 Elena Trubina
Comparing the cities across the global regions: between the Global South and the Global East
- 10.05.2017 Cindy Clark
Two-eyed seeing: How age relativism adds to our understanding of ritual and enculturation
- 03.05.2017 Peter Rohrbacher
Wiener Völkerkunde in der NS-Zeit: Pater Wilhelm Koppers, 1938–1945
- 29.03.2017 Lina Masana
Living with an invisible chronic illness: body, conflicts and resistance
- 22.03.2017 Herta Nöbauer
Von der Goldmine zum Gletscherskigebiet: All Weather Snow als multiples Frontier-Phänomen
- 15.03.2017 Andrew Brandel
Knowledge of Labor: SW Mintz and the Legacy of Ethnographic Theory
- 08.03.2017 Aníbal G. Arregui
Embodying Climate Change: Some Thoughts from Amazonia
- 28.06.2017 Bettina Beer