Konferenzen @IKSA
Medical Anthropology Europe Conference
- 16.-19. September 2025
- MAE-Webseite
- Conference Convenors: Giorgio Brocco, Magdalena Goralska (University of Warsaw), Janina Kehr, Mafe Olarte-Sierra, Ursula Probst (Freie Universität Berlin)
XXVI. Mesoamerikanistik-Tagung
- 31. Jänner - 02. Februar 2025
- Tagungs Webseite
- Leitung Organisationsteam: Patricia Zuckerhut, Claudia Leitner
Medical Anthropology at Home Conference
- 07.-10. Oktober 2021
- MAAH-Webseite
- Organizers and Scientific Committee: Bernhard Hadolt, Andrea Stöckl (University of East Anglia)
Conference on Hunting and Gathering Societies
- 07.-11. September 2015
- ChaGS-Webseite
- Conference Organizers: Peter Schweitzer, Khlaed Hakami
European Association for Southeast Asian Studies Conference
- 11.-14. August 2015
- Ankündigung der EuroSEAS Konferenz
- Conference Convenors: Gabriele Weichart, Martin Slama, Nat Sattavet
International Congress of Americanists
- 15.-20. Juli 2012
- ICA-Webseite
- Organizing Committee: Ulrich Brand, Christian Feest, Margarete Grandner, Elke Mader, Kathrin Sartingen, Johann Schelkshorn
- 14.-17. September 2011
- DGV-Tagungswebseite
- Tagungsteam aus Wien: Thomas Fillitz, Andre Gingrich, Barbara Plankensteiner, Gertraud Seiser, Margit Wolfsberger
European Association of Social Anthropologists Conference
20 Years EASA
- 06.-07. Februar 2011
- EASA Tagungsprogramm
EASA 2004
- 08.-12. September 2004
- EASA Tagungswebseite
- Local Committee: Ulrike Davis-Sulikowski, Thomas Fillitz, Andre Gingrich, Ernst Halbmayer, Elke Mader, Hermann Mückler, Gertraud Seiser, Sabine Strasser, Anna Streissler
Tage der KSA
- 25.-26. April 2015 | Programm | Book of Abstracts
- 15.-16. Mai 2014 | Programm
- 06.-07. Juni 2013 | Programm | Book of Abstracts
- 24.-25. Mai 2012 | Programm | Book of Abstracts
- 22.-23. April 2010 | Programm | Book of Abstracts
- 23.-24. April 2009 | Programm | Book of Abstracts
- 10.-11. April 2008 | Programm | Book of Abstracts
- 26.-27. April 2007 | Programm
- 30.-31. März 2006 | Programm
- 24.-25. Juni 2005 | Programm