Research Network: Health in Society
Gesundheit ist immer „in Gesellschaft“ – Sie ist durch soziale, politische und wirtschaftliche Bedingungen ebenso wie durch individuelle Dispositionen und Verhalten geprägt. Um diese Dimensionen zu verstehen, braucht es einen mehrdimensionalen und interdisziplinären Ansatz, der akademische Forschung vom Molekularen über das Psychologische und Soziale bis hin zum Planetarischen in Dialog setzt.
„Gesundheit in Gesellschaft“ ist ein fakultätsübergreifender und interdisziplinärer Forschungsverbund, der 2024 von der Universität Wien gegründet wurde. Der Verbund soll Forschungsaktivitäten in den Bereichen Gesundheit, Medizin und Wohlbefinden, insbesondere im strategischen Schwerpunkt der Universität Wien „Global Health: physische, mentale und soziale Dimensionen von Gesundheit“, zusammenführen und sichtbar machen. Zudem sollen nationale und internationale Forschungspartnerschaften und Kooperationen in Wissenschaft, Industrie und Politik gestärkt und entwickelt werden. Auf diese Weise tragen die Universität Wien und ihre Wissenschaftler:innen dazu bei, gegenwärtige gesundheitliche Herausforderungen auf lokaler, nationaler und internationaler Ebene wissenschaftlich zu erforschen und gesellschaftlich mitzugestalten.
Hard Facts
funded: 2024
co-directors: Janina Kehr, Robert Böhm
team at IKSA: Veronika Siegl, Lisa Lehner
Environment and Climate Research Hub
The ECH bridges faculties and scientific disciplines at the University of Vienna and beyond to provide space and support for researchers to collaborate and exchange knowledge in order to better understand the triple crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution and to enable the development of novel solutions.
Addressing the urgent triple crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution requires input from all fields of research, and outreach to diverse stakeholders in society. The Environment and Climate Research Hub (ECH) was founded by the University of Vienna in 2022, with the mission to create innovative environmental and climate insights at the frontiers and intersections of disciplines and to inform solutions for the pressing environmental problems of today and tomorrow.
The ECH achieves this by providing a hub for exchange, cooperation, seecorn funding, training, and outreach. With its excellent scientists, strong institutional foundations, and extensive network at the University of Vienna and beyond, the ECH is a key player and cooperation partner for research institutions, decision-makers, the media, and societal stakeholders working together to address the triple crisis.
Hard Facts
established in: 2022
members at IKSA: Giorgio Brocco, Sanderien Verstappen
The Challenge of Urban Futures: governing the complexities in European cities
The pivotal characteristic of the Research Platform “The Challenge of Urban Futures” is its epistemological breadth, in that it aims at scrutinising ecologies of relations that connect multiple thematic areas. The Platform aims at unravelling the social, cultural, economic and politico-institutional mechanisms underlying the convergences and divergences across European cities to track the transformation of urban structures over the last four decades.
Given the wide gamut of issues cities are facing, we focus our research endeavours on five thematic areas: Society and Culture, Economy and Redistribution, Environment and Sustainability, Technology and Surveillance, and Urban Government and Governance. More in detail, our research activities will sit at the intersection of these multiple thematic areas. To achieve this ambitious task, our Research Platform will bring together researchers both within and outside the University of Vienna sharing complementary expertise on the multifarious facets of urban studies.
Hard Facts
established in: 2020
Principal Investigator and Speaker: Yuri Kazepov (Department of Sociology)
Co-Principal Investigator and Co-Speaker: Ayse Caglar (Dapartemnt of Social and Cultural Anthropology)
members at IKSA: Nana Iashvili, Catherine Raya Polishchuk Clivaz, Arjin Tas, Ayşe Seda Yüksel-Pecen
Transformations and Eastern Europe
The research platform aims to further strengthen the traditionally excellent profile of the University of Vienna as a center for the interdisciplinary study of Central and Eastern Europe. We will combine methodological approaches from history, cultural studies, historical sociolinguistics, social anthropology, sociology, economics and law in order to study and conceptualize processes of deep political, social and economic transformations affecting the region since the late 1980s and in earlier periods. Our overarching aim is to rethink transformation as: a) multi-dimensional processes, b) as processes characterized by the impact of different temporalities, including past experiences and future expectations, c) as processes entailing a combination of macro- and micro-levels of analysis, and d) as processes characterized by changes in material settings and by a reconfiguration of legal and institutional structures. A profound historicization of transformation processes will provide a better understanding of contemporary political and economic developments that have their roots in recent and earlier transformations. Conceptually, we can benefit from the innovative approaches that have been developed by members of our team within the framework of the Research Center for the History of Transformations and East Central Europe (RECET), such as the notion of "co-transformation" (Philipp Ther) and "counter-transformation" (János Kovács). We also intend to utilize the writings of Karl Polanyi to widen the cross-disciplinary cooperation and the regional scope of our research and to overcome the teleologies of the post 1989 transformation studies.
Hard Facts
established in: 2020
Speaker: Claudia Kraft (Department of Contemporary History)
Vice-Speakers: Tatjana Thelen (Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology), Philipp Ther (Department of East European History)
members at IKSA: Michael Anranter, Agnieszka Pasieka, Olga Povoroznyuk, Peter Schweitzer
Further information
- Research networks at the University of Vienna
- Research platforms at the Faculty of Social Sciences
- Research platforms at the University of Vienna