21.03.2018, 17:00 Uhr, HS-C
Cultural challenges in health systems and improvement of health care. Employing anthropological findings in the diverse...
14.03.2018, 17:00 Uhr, HS-C
„Personalrochaden“: Die Wiener Völkerkunde und der „Anschluss“ 1938
Peter Rohrbacher
07.03.2018, 17:00 Uhr, HS-C
The Impact of Mobilities on Visual Arts in the Slovene Diaspora in Argentina
Jaka Repič
15.03.2018, 18:30 Uhr, HS-C
Energy, Culture, and the AnthropoScene
Sarah Strauss
How the „Zillertaler Trachtenwelt“ became a border - MATERIALIZATION OF BORDER PROCESSES AT THE BRENNER IN TYROL
Marlene Persch
13.03.2018, 18:00 Uhr