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peer-reviewed Publikationen in u:cris

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Mückler H. 2025. Dealing with German Colonial Architecture. Two Strategies – Two Losses: the Old Courthouse in Apia, Samoa, and the Joachim deBrum House Likiep, Marshall Islands. Falser M, Horn G, Mager T, Ziesemer J, Hrsg. in Monuments and Sites De-colonial! Apporaches to the Built Heritage of the German Colonial Era.. 1. Aufl. Berlin: ICOMOS Nationalkomitee der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. S. 146-150. (Hefte des Deutschen Nationalkomitees, Band LXXXIV).

Gartler S, Scheer J, Meyer A, Abass K, Bartsch A, Doloisio N, Falardeau J, Hugelius G, Irrgang A, Ingimundarson JH, et al. 2025. A transdisciplinary, comparative analysis reveals key risks from Arctic permafrost thaw. Communications Earth & Environment. 6:Article 21.

Palmberger M. 2025. “Digitale Tagebuchforschung” (digital diary research). Stollfuß S, Niebling L, Raczkowski F, Hrsg. in Handbuch digitale Medien und Methoden. Wiesbaden: Springer.


Alibašić A, Bauer D, Müssig S, Račius E, Hrsg. 2024. Yearbook of Muslims in Europe, Vol. 16. 1 Aufl. Leiden: Brill. 748 S. (Yearbook of Muslims in Europe, Band 16).

Michel M, Skourtanioti E, Pierini F, Guevara EK, Mötsch A, Kocher A, Barquera R, Bianco RA, Carlhoff S, Coppola Bove L, et al. 2024. Ancient Plasmodium genomes shed light on the history of human malaria. Nature. 631(8019):125-133.

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