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Die dunkle Seite des Postens.

Ingrid Thurner

The Dark Side of Online Postings. Discourse Patterns and Discourse Strategies Used in an Islamic Context.


As Web 2.0. types of communication like chat rooms, blogs and social networks have emerged, newspaper publishers started opening interactive forums in certain areas of their websites allowing readers to post messages, to comment on articles and to discuss opinions. And since 9/11 Islam plays a major role as an issue in national politics as well as in current media representation, while concerns are raised about increasing Islamophobia and anti-Muslim expressions.


The paper will begin by positioning the concept and practice of Islamophobia within the broader discourse of cultural racism in an attempt to contextualise this phenomenon within media representations. It will continue to examine Islam-related articulations on the discussion boards of some quality newspapers published in the German speaking countries, using a critical discourse analysis method. The well known online phenomena of spamming, flaming, stalking, trolling, cyberbullying cannot be identified in the online forums examined. Nevertheless, the posters’ essentialising practices construct imageries about Islam which are over-simplified, stereotyped and widely negative, and Islamophobia is disguised by a variety of elaborated linguistic strategies.

Institut für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie
Jahrbuch für Islamophobieforschung
ÖFOS 2012
508009 Medienforschung, 504017 Kulturanthropologie, 603905 Islam
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