peer-reviewed Publikationen in u:cris
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Gartler S, Scheer J, Meyer A, Abass K, Bartsch A, Doloisio N, Falardeau J, Hugelius G, Irrgang A, Ingimundarson JH, et al. 2025. A transdisciplinary, comparative analysis reveals key risks from Arctic permafrost thaw. Communications Earth & Environment. 6:Article 21.
Sandmann L, Gunko M, Shirobokova I, Adams R-M, Lilius J, Großmann K. 2025. LOCAL INITIATIVES IN SHRINKING CITIES: On Normative Framings and Hidden Aspirations in Scholarly Work. International Journal for Urban and Regional Research. 49(1):214-223.
Palmberger M. 2025. “Digitale Tagebuchforschung” (digital diary research). Stollfuß S, Niebling L, Raczkowski F, Hrsg. in Handbuch digitale Medien und Methoden. Wiesbaden: Springer.
Grenz S. 2025. ‘I Don’t Know If You Have Experience with Meditation?’: Intersectionally Gendered Power Relations in Post-secular Research. Religion & Gender.
Caglar A. 2024. Expanded extractivism, confinement, and (im)mobilized labor in city-making: a longue durée perspective. Dialectical Anthropology.
Mückler H. 2024. Review: Hermann Joseph Hiery: Fa’a Siamani. Germany in Micronesia, New Guinea and Samoa 1884-1914. Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien. 154:353-355.
Mückler H. 2024. Review: Thomas Bargatzky: Mandala ohne Zentrum. Hierarchie und politisches Zeremoniell in Samoa. Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien. 154:351-353.
Fink C, Willberg E, Klein R, Heikinheimo V, Toivonen T. 2024. A travel time matrix data set for the Helsinki region 2023 that is sensitive to time, mode and interpersonal differences, and uses open data and novel open-source software. Scientific Data. 11(1):Article 858.
Verstappen S. 2024. Developing a segregated homeland: How internal displacement in a remittance-receiving region affects transnational migrants’ development practices. World Development. 182:Article 106694.
Willberg E, Fink C, Klein R, Heinonen R, Toivonen T. 2024. ‘Green or short: choose one’ - A comparison of walking accessibility and greenery in 43 European cities. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 113:Article 102168.
Brocco G. 2024. Anthropological Explorations of Disability. Cambridge Anthropology. 42(2):136-142.
Caglar A. 2024. Looking Through the Lens of "Essential Workers": A landscape of (im)mobility, Labor, and Social Reproduction. Dialectical Anthropology. 48(3):367-382.
Lenikus V, Torres Heredia JM. 2024. Defending Livelihoods: Reflections on Environmental and Social Movements and Examples of Social-Ecological Conflicts in Colombia and Ecuador from a Materialist Perspective. Journal für Entwicklungspolitik (JEP). 40(1/2):107-128.
Anranter M, Moser M. 2024. Introduction: Pausing, Waiting, and Dwelling in Mobilities. Mobility Humanities. 1.
Anranter M. 2024. Unintended Stopover at a Service Area: Waiting for State Authorities to Unblock the Street. Mobility Humanities. 3(2):76-90.
Michel M, Skourtanioti E, Pierini F, Guevara EK, Mötsch A, Kocher A, Barquera R, Bianco RA, Carlhoff S, Coppola Bove L, et al. 2024. Ancient Plasmodium genomes shed light on the history of human malaria. Nature. 631(8019):125-133.
Großmann K, Adams R-M, Bolotova A, Lilius J, Gunko M, Messerschmidt S, Sandmann L. 2024. Self-responsibilization, the municipality, and the state: Peripheralization shaping local initiatives in shrinking small towns. Cities. 150:1-10.
Anranter M. 2024. Tripe Soup at the Service Area: Thoughts about an Infrastructure of Meaningful Sociality. Journal of Ethnology and Folkloristics. 18(1):152-166.
Brocco G. 2024. Theories and practices of disability from the Global South: A critical anthropological perspective. Frontiers in Health Services. 4:1-13.
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