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Ciotti M. 2022. One art work, two Mother Indias, many Pushpamalas: Re-imagining art, politics and biopolitics. Juneja M, Ramaswamy S, Hrsg. in Motherland: Pushpamala N’s Woman and Nation . New Delhi: Roli Books. S. 82-93.

Nöbauer H. 2022. 'Our Existence is Literally Melting Away'. Narrating and Fighting Climate Change in a Glacier Ski Resort in Austria. . Hylland Eriksen T, Mendes P, Hoffman S, Hrsg. in Cooling Down. : Local Responses to Global Climate Change.. London and New York: Berghahn Books. S. 223–245.

Ciotti M. 2022. A mandala of value: A granular approach to art valuation across geopolitical fragments. Salemink O, Siegel Corrêa A, Sejrup J, Nielsen V, Hrsg. in Global Art in Local Art Worlds : Changing Hierarchies of Value. London: Routledge. S. 222.

Schweitzer P. 2022. Afterword: Inuit Worlds in a Global Arctic. Stern P, Hrsg. in The Inuit World. Routledge. S. 433-438.

Ciotti M. 2022. Dalit women between social and analytical alterity: rethinking the ‘quintessentially marginal’. Fernandes L, Hrsg. in Handbook of gender in South Asia. . 2 Aufl. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis.

Persch M. 2022. Der sorgende Staat? Sorgenarrative im Jugendgefängnis in Accra, Ghana. in Vienna Working Papers in Ethnography. (Vienna Working Papers in Ethnography).

Rajkovic I. 2022. Emerging varieties of work. Carrier J, Hrsg. in Handbook of Economic Anthropology. 3 Aufl. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. S. 289-302.

Vasileiadi M, Tik M, Kranz G, Ruetgen M, Princic M, Vanicek T, Pfabigan DM, Hahn A, Sladky R, Lanzenberger R, et al. 2022. EMOTION PROCESSING TASK AS A NEW STRATEGY FOR LOCATING INDIVIDUALIZED TMS TARGETS. Psychiatria Danubina. 34:27-27.

Budka P. 2022. Indigenous media: Anthropological perspectives and historical notes. Costa E, Lange PG, Haynes N, Sinanan J, Hrsg. in The Routledge Companion to Media Anthropology. Routledge, Taylor & Francis. S. 33-46.