peer-reviewed Publikationen in u:cris
Zeige Ergebnisse 101 - 120 von 924
Yuksel Pecen AS. 2022. Economic Nationalism of the New Turkey and the Immediacy of War. ANUAC. Journal of the Italian Society of Cultural Anthropology. 11(2):127-150.
Zimmermann B, Wagenaar H, Kieslich K, Prainsack B, Meyers G, Buyx A, El-Sayed S, Fiske A, Galasso I, Geiger S, et al. 2022. Democratic research: Setting up a research commons for a qualitative, comparative, longitudinal interview study during the COVID-19 pandemic. SSM. Qualitative research in health. 2(2):Article 100158.
Karasz D. 2022. The spatial dimension of shifting commonsensical understandings: “Our” spaces and “their” spaces in a Viennese neighborhood in the aftermath of the so-called refugee crisis in 2015. Dialectical Anthropology. 46(4):437 - 455.
Pasieka A. 2022. Theft of Gramsci: On the radical right, radical left, and common sense. Dialectical Anthropology. 46(4):417–436.
Biele Mefebue A, Bührmann A, Grenz S, En B, Jäntschi K, Hrsg. 2022. Handbuch Intersektionalitätsforschung. 1 Aufl. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, Wiesbaden. 609 S.
Göbl B, Jovicic S, Denk N, Wimmer S, Kriglstein S. 2022. More Than Just Gameplay: Making a Case for “Let’s Plays” in Education. in CHI PLAY 2022 - Extended Abstracts of the 2022 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play. S. 75-80.
Pasieka A, Buzalka J 2022. Anthropology of Transformation: From Europe to Asia and Back. Open Book Publishers. 280 S.
Pasieka A, Buzalka J. 2022. Anthropology of Transformation - Introduction. in Anthropology of Transformation: From Europe to Asia and Back. Open Book Publishers. S. xiii-xxviii.
Pasieka A. 2022. Swimming against the Tide: Right-wing Populism, Post-socialism and Beyond. Pasieka A, Buzalka J, Hrsg. in Anthropology of Transformation: From Europe to Asia and Back. Open Book Publishers. S. 205-220.
Bilić B, Nord I, Milanović A. 2022. Introduction: In post-Yugoslav trans worlds. in Transgender in the Post-Yugoslav Space: Lives, Activisms, Culture. Bristol University Press. S. 1-19.
Mückler H. 2022. Rezension: Bernhard Olpen: Johann Karl Vietor (1861-1934). Ein deutscher Unternehmer zwischen Kolonialismus, sozialer Frage und Christentum. Denzel MA, Hrsg. in Jahrbuch für europäische Überseegeschichte, Band 20. 1 Aufl. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. S. 300-303.
Adams R-M, Komu T. 2022. Radically Ordinary Lives: Young Rural Stayers and the Ingredients of the Good Life in Finnish Lapland. Young: Nordic Journal of Youth Research. 30(4):361-376.
Duffett Carlson KS, Mandl K, McCall A, Brönnimann D, Teschler-Nicola M, Weiss-Krejci E, Metscher B. 2022. 3D visualization of bioerosion in archaeological bone. Journal of Archaeological Science. 145:Article 105646.
Palmberger M. 2022. Migrant and new media: Digital ethnography, transnationalism and superdiversity. Vertovec S, Sigona N, Meissner F, Hrsg. in The Oxford Handbook of Superdiversity. Oxford University Press. S. 1-14.
Sancho-Reinoso A, Saxinger G, Fink C, Povoroznyuk O, Wentzel SI, Illmeier G, Schweitzer P, Krasnoshtanova N, Kuklina V. 2022. Mapping hierarchies of mobility in the Baikal Amur Mainline region: a quantitative account of needs and expectations relating to railroad usage. Polar Geography. 45(3):157-176.
Ciotti M. 2022. India’s ’first pavilion’ in Venice. Mitter P, Mukherji PD, Balaram R, Hrsg. in Twentieth-century Indian art: Modern post-independence contemporary. London: Thames & Hudson. S. 301-302.
Peto A, Gillis S, Grenz S, Madarova Z, Munt SR, Panayotov S, Sayegh G, Alm E, Engebretsen E. 2022. Roundtable on the impact of COVID and Open Access on Gender Studies Journal. European Journal of Women's Studies. 29(Suppl.1):168S-177S.
Mandl K, Carlson KSD, Brönnimann D, McCall A, Grassberger M, Teschler-Nicola M, Weiss-Krejci E, Metscher B. 2022. Substantiating microCT for diagnosing bioerosion in archaeological bone using a new Virtual Histological Index (VHI). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. 14(6):Article 104.
Thelen T. 2022. Verwandtschaft. Schmidt-Lauber B, Liebig M, Hrsg. in Begriffe der Gegenwart: Ein kulturwissenschaftliches Glossar. Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. S. 261-270.
Saxinger G, Sancho-Reinoso A, Wentzel SI. 2022. Cartographic storytelling: reflecting on maps through an ethnographic application in Siberia. Fennia - International Journal of Geography. 199(2):242-259.
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