Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ayse Caglar
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ayse Caglar
Professor of Social and Cultural Anthropology
CREOLE Coordinator
Contact Details
Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Vienna
NIG, 4th floor
Room: A0416
T: +43-1-4277-49513
E-Mail: ayse.caglar@univie.ac.at
Europe-Asia Research Platform on Forced Migration
Ayse Caglar is directing a two-year research platform on forced migration with a particular focus on South Asia and its European-Asian Dimension at IWM. It is a collaboration with Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group (CRG) and benefits from ongoing projects on Europe’s Futures and networks evolving from workshops such as “The Global Compacts on Refugees and Migrants and the Architecture of Global Politics of Migration” organized in and by IWM as well as the Cities and Human Mobility Research Collaborative at the Zolberg Institute on Migration and Mobility at the New School for Social Research and “The Challenge of Urban Futures” at the University of Vienna.
"Arrival" Infrastructures: Processes of Emplacement of Displaced People from Ukraine in Vienna
Project launched by the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM) within its Europe-Asia Research Platform on Forced Migration explores the response of the city of Vienna to the mass influx of displaced people from Ukraine. The study scrutinizes the legal, institutional, and physical infrastructures that emerged within the intersection of the European, federal, and city levels structuring the processes of emplacement of the newly arriving people.
The Challenge of Urban Futures: Governing the Complexities of European Cities
This is an interdisciplinary research platform of the University of Vienna headed by Yuri Kazepov that brings together members of the Faculty of Social Sciences, the Centre for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science, the Faculty of Geoscience, Geography and Astronomy, and the Faculty of Computer Science. The research platform will enhance collaboration and invite a host of international scholars in the course of the next four years. Ayse Caglar is deputy speaker and co-PI of the research platform.
Office Hours
In winter term 2024 Prof. Caglar will be on sabbatical. There will only be office hours (online) for students who are writing an MA or PhD thesis under her supervision and she will take part in final examinations of her current students. To make an appointment, please contact her assistant Mag. Marie-Thérèse Hartwig (marie-therese.hartwig@univie.ac.at).
Prof. Caglar will not accept new MA supervisions during this period.
There are no office hours during university holidays!
Note to the Students
For an MA or a PhD supervision please come to the office hours after sending an outline at least a week beforehand (please consider that Prof. Caglar prefers all theses to be written in English).
For recommendation letters please hand in all necessary information and documents (addressee, statement of purpose, documents on which her recommendation should be based) at least two weeks before the deadline. Prof. Caglar does not accept pre-formulated recommendation letters, she writes every letter herself. Thank you!
Research Focus Areas
- Globalization, transnationalization processes and reconfiguration of states
- Migration, migrants and migrant industries
- Displacement, dispossession and urban restructuring
- Neoliberalization and capital restructuring
- Citizenship
- European cultural policies, (im)migrant cultural production and cultural industries
- Nationalist discourses, popular culture and consumer culture
Short Biography
Ayse Caglar is University Professor in the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Vienna since 2011 and a permanent fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM), Vienna since 2018. She received her PhD at McGill University, Department of Anthropology and Habilitation in Sociology and Social Anthropology at Free University, Berlin. Before joining the University of Vienna she was a professor at the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology at Central European University, Budapest and she was a Minerva Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Göttingen. She has held visiting professorships and fellowships in several universities in Europe. She is a member of Academia Europaea and the Science Academy Society of Turkey. Caglar has widely published on the processes and interfaces of migration, urban restructuring, dispossession, displacement, confined labor, extractive and cultural industries, as well as on the entanglements between states and transnationalization processes with a special focus on cities. In addition to her co- edited Locating Migration: Rescaling Cities and Migrants (Cornell University Press, 2010) and co-authored Migrants and City-Making: Dispossession, Displacement, and Urban Regeneration (Duke University Press, 2018) volumes, she is the editor and the co-editor of Urbaner Protest. Revolte in der neoliberalen Stadt (Passagen Verlag, 2019) and the Special Issue on “Displacements and Dispossessions” Refugee Watch Nr. 58 (2022) respectively. She has a forthcoming co-edited book Sites of Statelessness: Laws, Cities, Seas, (with Ranabir Samaddar and Sabyasachi Basu Ray Chaudhury), Albany: SUNY Press (in press). She directs the Europe-Asia Research Platform on Forced Migration at IWM together with the Calcutta Research Group Calcutta. She is also the Co-PI of the Research Platform The Challengeof Urban Futures: Governing the Complexities in European Cities at the University of Vienna.
The Team
Sowi:Doc Fellow
Arjin Tas
Prae Doc
Nana Iashvili
Prae Doc
Ioana Popescu
Post Doc
Danai Avgeri
MSCA Postdoctoral Fellow
Umut Kuruüzüm
Visiting PhD Candidate (2021-2023)
Andrea Tollardo
Ernst Mach Fellow (2022)
Gamze Tosun
Senior Research Fellow (2022-2023)
Yesim Mutlu
ERC Grant Holder (Feb 2020 - 25), former Ernst Mach Fellow
Rüstem Ertuğ Altinay
Uni Doc (past)
Volha Biziukova
Cansu Civelek
Hannah Myott
past Fellowships
Hertha Firnberg Fellowship
Monika Palmberger
ÖAW Doc Fellowship
Catherine Raya Polishchuk
Selected Publications
Books and Edited Volumes:
- forthc. - “A Special Issue on Digitised Migration: Entangled and Uneven Landscapes,” co-edited with Giorgia Dona, Paolo Novak and Manish Jha, International Migration Journal (accepted).
- forthc. - “Situating Global Warfare in Historical Conjuncture”, Focaal Special Issue co-edited with Seda Yüksel-Pecen (accepted).
- 2024 - “Sites of Statelessness: Laws, Cities, Seas,” co-edited with Ranabir Samaddar and Sabyasachi Basu Ray Chaudhury, Albany: SUNY Press.https://doi.org/10.1515/9781438499901
- forthc. - "Introduction – Global Warring, Displacement and Accumulation” in Situating Global Warring in Neoliberal Conjuncture, Focaal,Special Issue co-edited with Seda Yüksel-Pecen
- 2021 - "A Special Issue on Displacements & Dispossessions." Refugee Watch. A South Asian Journal on Forced Migration. Nr 58. Guest editors: Ayşe Çağlar & Sabyasachi Basu Ray Chaudhury.
- 2019 - Urbaner Protest: Revolte in der neoliberalen Stadt. (ed.). Wien: Passagen Verlag.
- 2018 - Migrants & City-Making: Dispossession, Displacement, and Urban Regeneration, co-authored with Nina Glick Schiller. Durham: Duke University Press.
- 2011 - Locating Migration: Rescaling Cities and Migrants, co-edited with Nina Glick Schiller. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
- 2004 Turkish Migration to Germany: Issues, Reflections, and Futures" co-edited with Levent Soysal. New Perspectives on Turkey (Special Issues) Istanbul: Homer Academic Publishing.
Articles, Chapters, Essays
- forthc. 2025 - “Destruction and extraction: reading Wolf at the edge of Europe." In Don Kalb and Susana Narotzky eds. Fifty Years of Europe and the People Without History. Berghan.
- forthc. "Introduction - Looking at Warfare through the Lens of Accumulation: exctraction and historical conjuncture (co-authord with Seda Yüksel Pecen) in Situating Global Warfare in Historical Conjuncture, Focaal, Special Issue co-ededited wit Seda Yüksen-Pecen.
- forthc. - “Transnational Migration.” In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Anthropology.
- forthc. - “City Scales.” In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Anthropology.
- 2024 - "Expanded extractivism, confinement, and (im)mobilized labor in city-making: a longue durée perspective." Dialectical Anthropology.
- 2024 - "Looking through the lens of "essential workers": a landscape of (im)mobility, labor, and social reproduction. Dialectical Anthropology.
- 2024 - “Citizenship beyond solidarity and belonging: Commoning and sociability.” Invited Commentary in American Ethnologist 1–3.
- 2024 - “Making the Convert Speak: the Production of Truth and the “Apparatus of Conversion” In: Asylum and Conversion to Christianity in Europe: Interdisciplinary Approaches. Edited by Ebru Öztürk & Lena Rose. Bloomsbury.
- 2023 - “Relational Multiscalar Analysis: A Comparative Approach to Migrants within City-Making Processes” (co-authored with Nina Glick Schiller). In: Cities, Migration, and Governance Beyond Scales and Levels. Edited by Felicitas Hillmann and Michael Samers. Routledge.
- 2023 - “Failing infrastructures, hindered mobilities, and the closure of knowledge production.” UNESCO-Weltkulturbericht, Österreichische UNESCO-Kommission. Vienna.
- 2023 - “Den Glauben glaubhaft machen” (co-authored with Markus Elias Ramsauer). In: IWMpost 132: Art and Society (Fall/Winter). Magazine of the Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen / Institute for Human Sciences.
- 2023 - “Reorganization of Borders and (Im)Mobility: Labor and the Coloniality of Power.” In: IWMpost 131: Migration, Displacement, and Governance (Spring/Summer). Magazine of the Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen / Institute for Human Sciences.
- 2022 - “Ukrainian War, Refugees, and Human Rights in a Global Context” (with Alex Aleinikoff, Grażyna Baranowska, Olena Fedyuk, and Randall Hansen). Refugee Watch, No. 60: 105 -113.
- 2022 - “Transnational Migration” in Routledge Handbook of Immigration and Refugee Studies. 2nd edition, ed. by Anna Triandafyllidou. London: Routledge.
- 2022 - “Reorganization of borders, migrant workers, and the coloniality of power”. 25th Anniversary Special issue of Citizenship Studies. Citizenship Studies 26 (4-5): 401- 410.
- 2021 - “City as Method," Refugee Watch, Nr 58: 2021.
- 2021 - Refugee Watch. A South Asian Journal on Forced Migration. A Special Issue on Displacements & Dispossessions. Nr 58. Guest editors: Ayşe Çağlar & Sabyasachi Basu Ray Chaudhury.
- 2021 - “Minorities, War and Historical Conjuncture: A Multiscalar Approach to City Making in a Disempowered City” in A. Gingrich (ed.), Anthropology in Motion: Encounters with current trajectories of scholarship from Austria, Country Series, vol. 4 of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Canon Pyon: Sean Kingston Publishing.
- 2021 - “The Multiple Tenses of a Postcolonial Age of Migration” A commentary on Samaddar, R.
- (2020). The Postcolonial Age of Migration. Dialectical Anthropology, 45 (3):317-320.
- 2021 - “Situating the “cultural reach” of cities in a multiscalar field,” International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society, 34 (4), 437-453.
- 2020 - “Relational Multiscalar Analysis: A comparative Approach to Migrants within City-Making Processes” (with Nina Glick Schiller) in Geographical Review, 111 (2), 206-232.
- 2019 - Urbaner Protest: Revolte in der neoliberalen Stadt. (ed.). Wien: Passagen Verlag.
- 2019 - "Envisioning a Global Order of Migration: The UN Compacts." IWMPost 123 (Spring/Summer), 5-6.
- 2019 - "Closures Beyond Translations," American Anthropologist, Vol 121 (1), 213-215.
- 2018 - Migrants & City-Making: Dispossession, Displacement, and Urban Regeneration, co-authored with Nina Glick Schiller. Durham: Duke University Press.
- 2018 - "Chronotopes of Migration Scholarship: Challenges of contemporaneity and historical conjuncture." In: Migration, Temporality, and Capitalism. Entangeld Mobilities across Global Spaces. ed. by Winnie Lem & Pauline Gardiner Barber. New York & London: Palgrave.
- 2016 - “Displacement of European Citizen Roma in Berlin: Sites of contentious politics”, Citizenship Studies, vol 20, (5), 647-663.
- 2016 - “Still “migrants” after all those years: Foundational mobilities, temporal politics and emplacement as an analytical tactic”, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 42. (6). 952-969. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1369183X.2015.1126085.
- 2015 - "A Multiscalar Perspective on Cities and Migration", (with Nina Glick Schiller), Sociologica - Italian Journal of Sociology online, 2/2015.
- 2015 - "Displacement, emplacement, and migrant newcomers: rethinking urban sociabilities within multiscalar power", (with Nina Glick Schiller), Identites. Global Studies in Culture and Power, 23 (1): 17-34.
- 2015 - "Background Report." In: World Migration Report 2015. Migrants and Cities: New urban partnerships to manage mobility. www.iom.int/sites/default/files/our_work/ICP/MPR/WMR-2015-Background-Paper-ACaglar.pdf
- 2015 - “Anthropology of Citizenship.” In: International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2nd Edition, ed. by James D. Wright. Amsterdam: Elsevier Ltd, 637-642.
- 2013 -“Locating Migrant Hometown Ties in Time and Space: Locality as a blind spot of migration scholarship”, Historische Anthropologie 21(1): 26-42, Special Issue on Lokalität und transnationale Verflechtungen.
- 2011 - Locating Migration: Rescaling Cities and Migrants, co-edited with Nina Glick Schiller. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
- 2010 - "Theorizing the Relationship between Migrants and Cities," (co-authored with Nina Glick Schiller), Anthropology News 51(4) Arlington: American Anthropological Association.
- 2009 - "Towards a Comparative Theory of Locality in Migration Studies: Migrant Incroporation and City Scale," (co-authored with Nina Glick Schiller), Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 35(2): 177-202.
- 2008 - "'And Ye Shall Possess it, and Dwell Therein': Social Citizenship, Global Christianity, and Non-Ethnic Immigrant Incorporation," In: Political Engagement and Belonging, ed. by Debroah Ree-Danahay and Caroline Bretell. New Jersey: Rutgers University Press.
- 2008 - "Beyond Methodological Ethnicity and Towards City Scale: An Alternative Approach to Local and Transnational Pathways of Migrant Incorporation," (co-authored with Nina Glick Schiller) In: Rethinking Transnationalism: The Meso-link of Organisations, ed. by Ludger Pries. London: Routledge.
- 2007 - "Rescaling Cities, Cultural Diversity and Transnationalism: Migrants of Mardin and Essen." Ethnic and Racial Studies 30(6): 1070 - 1095. Special Issue: New Directions in the Anthropology of Migration and Multicaulturalism.
- 2006 - "Beyond the Ethnic Lens: Locality, Globality, and Born-Again Incorporation, "(co-authored with Nina Glick Schiller), American Ethnologist 33(4): 612-633.
- 2006 - "Hometwon Associations, the Rescaling of State Spatiality and Migrant Grassroots Transnationalism," Global Networks 6(1): 1-22. Oxford: Blackwell.
Recent Grants and Projects
- 2023 - 2027 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship "Quakerty: Governing Quakerty in a Post-Disaster Türkiye, with Umut Kuruüzüm (co-leader)
- 2023-2024 Open Society Foundation Grant, "Refugees, Migrants, and Urban Justice" in partnership with Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group.
- 2021 - 2023 Open Society Foundation Grant, “Justice, Protection and Government of the People: A Two-Year Research and Orientation Programme on Protection and Democracy in a Post-COVID World” in partnership with Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group.
- 2020 - 2024 Funding by the University of Vienna for "The Challenges of Urban Futures: Governing the Complexitites of European Cities", Deputy Speaker and Co-Principal Investigator (with Professor Yuri Kazepov, Department of Sociology, University of Vienna, Austria).
- 2019 - 2022 The Foundation to Promote Open Society (FPOS) for Europe-Asia Research Platform on Forced Migration at IWM in partnership with Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group.
- 2018 - 2019 Marie Curie Grant with Dr. Maria Schiller (project title: “Federal State Against Cities: Immigrant Incorporation in the Context of New Immigrant Reception”, September 2018 – July 19)
- 2013 - Funding by WWTF for the "Marie Jahoda Summer School of Sociology 2014: Public Spaces and Inequalities in Transition – Rethinking the Urban Fabric" (with Professor Christoph Reinprecht and Professor Roland Verwiebe, Department of Sociology, University of Vienna, Austria)
- 2012 - 2014 “Diversity Identity” Prize by WWTF-Wiener Wissenschafts-, Forschungs- und Technologiefonds, Vienna, Austria for the project CITYSCALERS
- 2012 - 2014 CITYSCALERS: Migrants, Urban Reinvention, Cultural Industries. “Diversity/Identity” Grant commissioned by WWTF-Wiener Wissenschafts-, Forschungs- und Technologiefonds, Vienna, Austria
- 2010 - 2014 Minerva Fellowship as research group director at Max Planck Institute, MMG, Goettingen, Germany
Recent Lectures and Forums
- 2024 Organizer and Chair, Workshop, “Continuities and Ruptures in Forced Migration: The Politics of Labour, Power and Representations”, Institute for Human Sciences (IWM), Vienna, Austria (October)
- 2024 Presenter, “Governing cities and governing the displaced: Mayors, ‘emergency rule’, and urban politics”, at the International Migration and Ethnic Relations (IMER) at Malmö University, Malmö, Sweden. (September)
- 2024 Organiser, “Spring Fellows’ Conference 2024”, Institute for Human Sciences (IWM), Vienna, Austria. (May)
- 2024 Presenter, “Political economy of containment industries: Confinement and (im)mobilized labor in the making of Linz” at the Scholars of Excellence Workshop – The “integration business”: A radical critique on migration, development and reception services, at CERC in Migration and Integration, Toronto, Canada. (April)
- Presenter, “The Longue Durée of Extractivism, Confinement, and (im)mobilized Labor in Citymaking in Linz” at the American Association of Geographers (AAG 2024) Honolulu, Hawaii. (April)
- 2023 November - Keynote Speaker, “Governing the displaced in cities: Wars, the rule of “emergency”, and extraction” at CRG's 8th Annual Conference, in Kolkata, India.
- 2023 November - Presenter, “Expanded extractivism, confinement, and (im)mobilized labor in city-making” at AAA/ CASCA Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada.
- 2023 November - Presenter with Volha Biziukova, and Ruslana Koziienko “Arriving in “perpetual temporariness”: the displaced from Ukraine in Vienna and the mazes of temporary protection” in Conference Dialogue of the Peripheries, organised by The Journal Commons.
- 2023 September - Presenter with Volha Biziukova and Ruslana Koziienko “Arriving in “perpetual temporariness”: the displaced from Ukraine in Vienna and the mazes of temporary protection,” at Migration and Arrival in Turkey: Urban and Spatial Approaches workshop organized by Sabanci University in collaboration with the Association for Migration Research and EU Horizon 2020 project ReROOT: Arrival Infrastructures as Sites of Integration for the Newcomers. Istanbul, Turkey.
- 2023 July - Invited Talk, “The entangled processes of urban and migrant/minority/refugee governance: A Multiscalar analysis of the Revaluation Processes with an example from a boarder city” at Cities and International Migration: Themes, Concepts, Approaches, Broad-er International Summer School 2023. Koç University, Istanbul, Turkey.
- 2023 June - Talk at the Plenary Session with Nathalie Apperé (Mayor of Rennes), Andriy Sadovyi (Mayor of Lviv) and Raf Tuts (UN Habitat), “Migration and Diversity: Cities lead the way turning challenges into Opportunities.” 14th Metropolis World Congress in Brussel Urban Summit 2023.
- 2023 April - Invited Plenary Speaker, “Rethinking Marxism and migration: a critical discussion on contemporary theories and methods” at State In/And Crisis Theory and Movement in a Dangerous World Historical Materialism Annual Conference. Athens, Greece.
- 2023 April - Invited Participant, “Mutations of Urbanism” at the School of Advanced Research, Santa Fe, USA. (April)
- 2023 March - Invited Speaker with Anna Lazareva, Volha Biziukova, Ruslana Koziienko, “"Arrival" Infrastructures: Processes of Emplacement of Displaced People from Ukraine in Vienna” at Migration Research Group, Central European University. Vienna, Austria.
- 2023 March - Presenter, “Cities, contentous politcs, and migrants” at International Studies Association Annual Conference. Montreal, Canada.
- 2023 March - Discussant, “Refugees, Precarity, and Creativity: Syrian Struggles in a Polarized Turkey”, at International Studies Association Annual Conference. Montreal, Canada.
- 2023 March - Symposium Co-Organizer and Speaker, “Cities and Human Mobility Research Collaborative Vienna Research Symposium”, for Europe-Asia Research Platform on Forced Migration, at Institut für die Wissenschaft vom Menschen with Zolberg Institute on Migration and Mobility. Vienna, Austria.
- 2023 February - Organizer and Moderator, ““Arrival” Infrastructures of the Displaced from Ukraine in Vienna”, for Europe-Asia Research Platform on Forced Migration, at Institut für die Wissenschaft vom Menschen. Vienna, Austria.
- 2022 November - Panel Speaker, “A landscape of (im)mobility at the wake of COVID-19: Labor, sustaining lives and the coloniality of power” AAA Annual Conference, Seattle, WA.
- 2022 September - Conference Organizer, “Digitized Migrants”, for Europe-Asia Research Platform on Forced Migration, at Institut für die Wissenschaft vom Menschen. Organized with Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group and Migration Research Group at Koç University. Istanbul, Turkey.
- 2022 August - Presenter with Cansu Civelek, “Infrastructures of abandonment and arrival: Refugees and processes of ruination, displacement, and dispossession in a disempowered city” RC 21 Conference. Athens, Greece.Organizer and Moderator, “Ukrainian War, Refugees, and Human Rights in a Global Context”, for Europe-Asia Research Platform on Forced Migration, at Institut für die Wissenschaft vom Menschen. Online.
- 2022 June - Presenter with Markus Elias Ramsauer, “Making the Convert Speak: The Production of Truth and the “Apparatus of Conversion”, at Asylum and Conversion to Christianity – New Directions in Research Workshop, Oxford University (online).
- 2022 April - Speaker, “(im)Migration and Urban Politics”, in conversation with Sophie Gonick. Zolberg Institute on Migration and Mobility. New York.
- 2022 March - Invited Speaker, “Migrants, Disempowered Cities, and Affective Landscapes”, in conversation with Seyla Benhabib. Sakıp Sabancı Center for Turkish Studies, Columbia University.
- 2022 February - Workshop Organizer, “Digitized Migrants,” for Europe-Asia Research Platform on Forced Migration, at Institut für die Wissenschaft vom Menschen. Organized with Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group. Vienna, Austria (February) 2021 December - Organizer, Junior Visiting Fellows’ Conference at Institut für die Wissenschaft vom Menschen (IWM). Vienna, Austria.
- 2021 November - Moderator, “Cities, Migration and Contentious Politics” Panel at Migration, Displacement and Citizenship in an Urban World Virtual Conference, organized by Cities and Human Mobility Research Collaborative of Zolberg Institute of Migration and Mobility at New School.
- 2021 November - Panel Speaker, “After the Pandemic: Recalling the Kolkata Declaration of 2018”, Sixth Annual Research & Orientation Workshop on Global Protection of Migrants and Refugees, organized by Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group. Online Conference.
- 2021 November - Panel speaker, “Non-synchronism, simultaneity, and historical conjuncture: Landscapes of disempowerment”, AAA Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD, USA.
- 2021 September - Workshop Organizer, “Sites of Statelessness: Laws, Cities, Seas” for Europe-Asia Research Platform on Forced Migration, at Institut für die Wissenschaft vom Menschen. Organized with Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group. Vienna, Austria.
- 2021 August - Invited talk, “City as Method”, at Reading Refugees, Reading Migration: An (Online) Orientation Course for Teachers, organized by Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group.
- 2021 July - Keynote, “City-making and Migrants: Disempowered Cities and Historical Conjuncture”, at Practicing Place – Socio-Cultural Practices and Epistemic Configurations. Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Eichstätt.
- 2021 April - Presenter, with Nina Glick Schiller, “Migrants and City-Making: Dispossession, Displacement, and Urban Regeneration” at Hot Off the Press, Urban Futures. University of Vienna.
- 2021 April - Keynote with Nina Glick Schiller, “Reconfiguring Transnational Migration Studies: A Multiscalar and Conjunctural Approach” at III International Forum Fontié ki Kwaze - Crossed Borders, Sao Paulo.
- 2021 February - Invited Lecture, “Migrants, 'Coloniality of Power', and Temporal Frameworks”, at Research Forum with Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals-IBEI. (February)
- 2021 January - Keynote, "Migrants within City-Making: Disempowered Cities and Affective Landscapes" at European Sociological Association Research Network 37: Urbann Sociology. Online Conference.
- 2020 November - present - Organizer, “Seminar Series on Forced Migration” at University of Vienna, for Europe-Asia Research Platform on Forced Migration, Institut für die Wissenschaft vom Menschen and Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group. Vienna, Austria.
- 2020 December - Panel speaker, “Innovative Methods of Research in Migration & Refugee Studies”. At Research Methodology & Syllabus Making in Migration & Forced Migration Studies Workshop, organized by Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group.
- 2020 November - Panel speaker, “Pedagogy of Migration and Refugee Studies in the European Context” in the Fifth Annual Research & Orientation Workshop in Global Protection of Migrants and Refugees, organized by Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group in collaboration with IWM.
- 2020 July - Panel Convener (co-convened with Ayse Seda Yuksel Pecen), “The Continuum of War: Narration, Accumulation and Dispossession in Transnational War Economy”. 16th EASA Bi-annual Conference. Lisbon, Portugal.
- 2020 June - Workshop Organizer, “Europe-Asia Research Platform on Forced Migration”, at IWM in collaboration with Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group. Vienna, Austria.
- 2020 June - Roundtable Organizer, “Covid-19 and the Spectral Presence of Migrant Workers and Refugees” with Ranabir Samaddar, Alex Aleinikoff, and Roger Zetter, Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen (IWM), Vienna, Austria.
- 2020 June - Workshop contribution, “Navigating academia (as a Woman)”, University of Vienna Graduate Center. Vienna, Austria.
- 2019 December - Workshop on Migrants and City Making: Dispossession, Displacement, and Urban Regeneration (co-authored with Nina Glick Schiller, 2018) with the research group “Religious Matters in an Entangled World”, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Utrecht University.
- 2019 December - Keynote Speaker, “Cities, Contentious Politics, and Migrants”, Annual Conference of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence “Mobilising Cities: Urban Geopolitics in Europe and the Mediterranean. Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- 2019 December - Keynote Speaker, “Migrants and City Making: Looking Through the Lens of Disempowered Cities”, VII Annual Meeting of the Italian Society for Applied Anthropology. Ferrara, Italy.
- 2019 November - Invited Session, “Shifting Landscapes, Change of Scenery: Space, Place and Struggle in Narratives of Mobility”, AAA Annual Conference. Vancouver, Canada.
- 2019 October - Keynote Speaker, “A Multiscalar Perspective on Migrants and City Making”, Inaugural Symposium of the Cities, Mobility and Membership Research Collaborative, European University Institute, Florence, Italy.
- 2019 September - Lecture, “A Multiscalar Perspective on Migrants and City Making in Disempowered Cities”, International Conference: “Migration, Displacement, and Urban Development”, Russian International Affairs Council, Moscow, Russia.
- 2019 July - Lecture contribution, “Linking Micro and Macro Perspectives”, Berlin Summer School in Social Sciences – Linking Theory and Empirical Research, Humboldt University, Germany.
- 2019 May - Public Lecture, “Migrants and City Making in Disempowered Cities”, IWM, Vienna, Austria.
- 2019 May - Workshop contribution, “Situating the “cultural reach” of cities”, Workshop: “Cultural Diplomacy: What role for Cities and Civil Society Actors", European University Institute, Italy.
- 2019 April - MA Anthropology and Development Workshop: “What migration processes reveal about global capitalist restructuring”, National University Maynooth, Maynooth, Ireland.
- 2019 March - Panel Discussion, “The Architecture of Global Migration Politics”, IWM, Vienna, Austria.
- 2018 December – “Migrants, cities, and the coloniality of power: Solidarities and polarizations”, public lecture at Free University in Brussels, Belgium.
- 2018 November – “Coloniality of Power”, the displaced, the dispossessed, and claims of justice”, talk at the International conference “The State of the Global Protection System on Refugees and Migrants” in Calcutta , India.
- 2018 October - “Migrants, City-making and Polarized Politics: Mobilizations for social justice”, talk at Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy annual conference “Reimagining democracy from and at the margins”, The Graduate Institute Geneva and Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy in Geneva, Switzerland.
- 2018 October – “Migrants, ‘coloniality of power”, and temporal frameworks”, keynote at the conference “Failing Identities, Schools and Migrations: Teaching in (trans)national Constellations”, Universität Bremen in Bremen, Germany.
- 2018 October - "Transnational Migration Paradigm: Challenges, Blind Spots, and Opportunities for a Global Perspective”, keynote at the Tomsk International Research Conference, II Tomsk Anthropological Forum ‘Anthropology of Interdisciplinarity’. Tomsk State University in Tomsk, Russia.
- 2018 October – “Through the Looking Glass of Disempowered cities: Challenges and Opportunities for Rethinking Common Futures in Europe”, Academia Europaea Talk. Poland Academia Europeae in Wroclaw, Poland.
- 2018 September – “The Spatial and Temporal Blinders of Migration Scholarship and the Labyrinths of non-synchronism”, keynote at the conference “Leaving Europe. Alternative Routes of Out/Upward Mobility. KU Leuven, Belgium.
- 2018 August – “City-makers beyond “migrancy””, accepted talk at the 15th EASA conference “Staying, moving, settling” in Stockholm, Sweden.
- 2018 July – “A Multiscalar Perspective on Violence, Disposessions, and Displacements”, accepted talk at the 18th IUAES World Congress, Florianópolis, Brazil.
- 2018 June – “In the Shadow of “Mobility”: Conceptual Impediments of Migration Scholarship”, invited talk at the conference “Stuck in Migration: Waiting Zones and (Internment) Camps”, organized by the Institute for Advanced Study of the CEU, Budapest and the Center for Advanced Study of the LMUniversity, Munich.
- 2018 May – “A Multiscalar Perspective on Migrants and City-making: Solidarities for Social and Historical Justice”, keynote lecture at the international conference “Transnational migration: Borders and Global Justice”, organised by the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences and the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic.
- 2018 May – Roundtable discussion: Spatializing and Historicizing Uneven Development at the CASCA Conference, Cuba, 16-20 May 2018.
- 2018 May – “Scholarship and urban policies beyond diversity” invited talk at the 12th Asia Pacific Programme for Senior National Security Officers (APPSNO) at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Centre of Excellence for National Security (CENS)Singapore, 7-11, May 2018.
- 2018 March - 10. Akademie-Gespräch ”Die Türkei der Künstler“. Johannes Odenthal im Gespräch mit Ayşe Çağlar, CANAN, Mario Levi und Azra Tüzünoğlu, at the Akademie der Kuenste, Berlin.
- 2018 February - "Migrants and Disempowered Cities: Opportunities, Challenges, and Polarized Dynamics" public lecture in the series “Striking from the Margins: Religion, State and Disintegration in the Middle East“ at the Center for Religious Studies at Central European University, Budapest, Hungary.