"The Academocene"- Node am IKSA


für die 2018 Biennial Meeting of the Society for Cultural Anthropology

A virtual conference - Tune in from wherever you are, or come together to invent and collaborate


Auszug aus dem: Participant Toolkit for #displace18:

[The] aim is to reproduce some of the conviviality and serendipitous interaction of traditional conferences, while also displacing or distributing the work of the meeting into affinity- and place-based forms of collaboration across the world. We hope that local nodes will offer opportunities to develop experimental forms of knowledge production that persist beyond the days when the conference is scheduled. Nodes can bring together human and nonhuman actors, materials, ideas, and venues from inside and outside academia, promoting engagement with the themes of the conference across different institutions and social formations.
More information on nodes

Im Zuge der Lehrveranstaltung Anthropologie der Natur und Klimawandel haben Aníbal Arregui und etwa 270 Studierende The Academocene - node für 19. April organisiert.

2018 Biennial Meeting of the Society for Cultural Anthropology