Dr. Greca Nathascia Meloni, BA MA
Dr. Greca Nathascia Meloni, BA MA
Institut für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie
Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Wien
NIG, 4. Stock
Raum: C0410
T: +43-1-4277-495XY
E-Mail: greca.nathascia.meloni@univie.ac.at
Webseiten: www.fareapicoltura.net | https://vimeo.com/grecameloni
Nach vorheriger Vereinbarung via E-Mail
- Multispecies Ethnography
- Visual Ethnography
- Environmental Anthropology
- Critical Plant Studies
- Anthropology of Cultural Heritage
- Applied Anthropology
Greca N. Meloni is a filmmaker and ethnographer with a Ph. D. in Cultural Anthropology. Her research interest focuses on multispecies ethnography, environmental anthropology, visual ethnography, critical plant studies, and beekeeping. In her Ph.D. research project, she explored from a multispecies perspective the relationship between apiculture and identity claims in Sardinia (Italy). She also created a blog to communicate ethnographic data outside academia (www.fareapicoltura.net).
The project beekeeping in Sardinia was funded by the ÖAW in 2018, and in 2021, she won the Theodor Körner Prize.
As a filmmaker, she directed a few short movies, part of which can be seen on her Vimeo account.
In 2022, collaborating with sound engineer and trained anthropologist Max Leimstättner, they produced the ethnographic movie The Journey of the Bees- Nomadic Beekeeping in Europe. The movie explores diverse forms of human-bees-environment relationships by focusing on nomadic beekeepers. The movie is based on fieldwork conducted with beekeepers in Austria, France, and Italy between 2018 and 2019. It was screened in several festivals and won the first prize at the Fiorenzo Serra International Film Festival 2022.
At the moment, she is working on a movie project that focuses on non-native plants.
Ausgewählte aktuelle Publikationen
- [2023] Api e Antropocene. Riflessioni etnografiche sui danni in apicoltura causati dall’ondata di calore di luglio 2023 in: L’apis. Rivista Di Apicoltura, November, 22-24. (Disseminating article)
- [2023] Writing with beekeepers on a blog in: Writing Together. Kollaboratives Schreiben mit Personen aus dem Feld, Transcript Verlag. Book chapter.
- [2021] Representing islands – producing islandness: Rethinking identities, mobilities, and relations (Guest Editor with S. Nimführ), Island Studies Journal, Vol. 16, 2/2021: 3–17. Peer-Review Journal
- [2021] Una pianta che non deve stare lì. Giustizia ambientale e autoctonia nella Sardegna meridionale in: Antropologia, Vol. 8, 1/2021: 67–84. Peer-Review Journal
- [2018] Saperi condivisi, saperi in conflitto Etnografia dell’apicoltura in Sardegna in: Antropologia Pubblica, Vol. 4, 2/2018: 65–83. Peer-Review Journal
- [2018] Making Indigeneity: The Beekeeper’s Perspective in: On_Culture: The Open Journal for the Study of Culture, 5: 1–22. Peer-Review Journal