profile picture Sanderien Verstappen

Associate Prof. Dr. Sanderien Verstappen

for Visual Anthropology

Member of the Environment and Climate Research Hub

Contact Details

Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Vienna
NIG, 4th floor
Room: B0420

T: +43-1-4277-49527

Office Hours

Tuesdays 3pm-5pm

after previous registration per e-mail


Current Courses: u:find

Past Courses: u:find

Research Focus Areas

  • Visual and multimodal anthropology: representations, (in)visibilities, ethnographic media practices
  • Mobility studies: urban mobility, rural-urban linkages, transnational migration, displacement
  • Urban studies: development, urbanization, segregation, neighborhoods, place-making

Short Biography

Sanderien Verstappen is associate professor in social and cultural anthropology with a focus on visual anthropology at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology of the University of Vienna. Her long-term research interests include mobility studies, urban studies, media studies, social inequality, and the politics of belonging. As a visual anthropologist trained in ethnographic filmmaking, she uses film as a research method and as a means of communicating with varied audiences, including the research participants themselves. At the University of Vienna she leads the Vienna Visual Anthropology Lab, which supports multimodal approaches in research and teaching.

An overview of her publications and films is on her website.


Postdoctoral fellowships with external funding

Organizational assistance: VVAL

Praedoctoral fellowships with external funding

Selected recent publications