Buchneuerscheinung und Ö1 Sendungs-Hinweis


Tracking Indigenous Heritage

Salomé Ritterband

Gemeinsam mit Werner Zips zu Gast in "Punkt Eins" auf Ö1, 07.03.2019

Salomé Ritterband
Tracking Indigenous Heritage
Ju/'Hoansi San Learning, Interpreting, and Staging Tradition for a Sustainable Future in Cultural Tourism in the Tsumkwe District of Namibia
: Legal Anthropology and Indigenous Rights
Bd. 3, 2018, 296 S., 29.90 EUR, 29.90 CHF, br., ISBN 978-3-643-90976-3

In Living Museums and Cultural Villages, the Ju/’hoansi San of north-eastern Namibia handle their Intangible Cultural Heritage as a basis for self-determination and as a strategy to achieve their claims for indigenous rights. On a regular basis, they perform their ‘traditional’ hunter-gatherer lifestyle for tourists as a means of generating income, while their children playfully practice and re-enact it themselves. After centuries of discrimination and marginalisation, the Ju/’hoansi are moving towards a new position inside the nation state.

Mit einem Vorwort von Werner Zips

Salomé Ritterband, MA, studied Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Vienna and is currently working at the Weltmuseum Wien.


Salomé Ritterband und Werner Zips sind zu Gast in Punkt Eins in Ö1 am 07.03.2019, 13:00 Uhr und sprechen zum Thema Kulturen im Ausverkauf? Lebende Museen, Kulturdörfer und Safari-Tourismus im südlichen Afrika