Organized by the Digital Ethnography Initiative, Vienna Visual Anthropology Lab, and Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Vienna, and the Visual Studies Platform at the Central European University.
The Master Class will be held online on November 9 and 10, 2021. During a public co-lecture on November 9 (17.30 – 19.00 hrs.), the two guest lecturers will introduce their views on participatory research with examples from their own research. The next morning, during a workshop on November 10 (9.00 – 12.00 hrs.), the two guest lecturers will interact with a small group of 6-8 graduate students. During this interactive workshop, students will share their ideas about or experiences with participatory research, and the challenges they face – for example, in implementing participatory research approaches under the present conditions of the pandemic. The guest speakers provide feedback on the students' projects and initiate a discussion on methodology among the participants.
With this mail, we invite everyone to the public lecture and reach out to lecturers in the department to ask if you know of advanced Ma or PhD students who are interested in participatory and digital ethnography. If you do, please forward this email so that they can apply for the workshop.
Darcy Alexandra is a lecturer and researcher at the Institute of Social Anthropology, University of Bern, Switzerland. Her co-creative ethnographic research and workshops have particularly included newcomer communities, in particular, political asylum seekers, refugees, and undocumented migrants. Drawing from poetry, creative non-fiction, moving and still image, she has developed participatory modes of digital storytelling and mentors learning partners in representing their lived experiences and knowledge.
Koen Leurs is an assistant professor in Gender and Postcolonial Studies at the Department of Media and Culture, Utrecht University, the Netherlands. His research focus is on digital migration. His participatory action research seeks to enhance media literacy and critical consciousness of young migrants through media production – particularly of refugees, who are commonly the object of stereotypical visual media representation.
Best wishes,
Monika Palmberger, Sanderien Verstappen, Vlad Naumescu
Participatory Digital Ethnography - online Master Class