portrait picture Andreas Streinzer

Ass.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Andreas Streinzer

for Economic Anthropology

Contact Details

Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Vienna
NIG, 4th floor
Room: B414

T: +43-1-4277-49503
E-Mail: andreas.streinzer@univie.ac.at

Office Hours

after previous registration per e-mail


Past Courses: u:find

Research Focus Areas

  • Economic Anthropology
  • Social Reproduction Approaches
  • Queer Anthropology
  • Deservingness and Inequality
  • Racial Capitalisms
  • Critical Ethnography

Short Biography

Andreas Streinzer studied Cultural and Social Anthropology at the University of Vienna, Social Philosophy at Goethe University Frankfurt, and Sociology at Lancaster University. In 2019 he received his PhD in Cultural and Social Anthropology on the reconfigurations of provisioning during the economic crisis in Greece (ÖAW doc.team). He worked as a researcher at the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt am Main and at the University of St. Gallen. Andreas Streinzer's research centres critical approaches to social reproduction, recently in particular the history and present of queer-Marxist modalities of critique. He combines an interest in forms of labour consumption, care and solidarity with questions of social organisation and inequality. In his research, he places a particular focus on the articulation of diverse forms of difference, of ways of relatedness, desire or racialization with the (re)production of capitalist socialisation. He is interested in consent to dominant orders, increasing authoritarianism as well as social struggles and movements that propose alternative futures. His interest in ‘economy’ and its entanglements with coloniality also focuses on the politics of demarcation of territories and the formation of economic entities as well as the financialization of nature. He is co-convenor of ENQA, the European Network for Queer Anthropology in the EASA, and the working group on economic anthropology in the German Anthropological Association.

Selected recent publications

  • Streinzer, Andreas, and Ryan Davey. 2024. “Queer-Marxian Modalities of Critique in Anthropology: Generations, Approaches, Ends.” Public Anthropologist 6 (Forum: Critical Ethnography): 156–63.
  • Streinzer, Andreas. 2023. “Distributed Fiscal Relations and Their Imaginaries: Metaphors of Redistribution and Reciprocity in Struggles About Distributive Justice in Austria.” Economic Anthropology 10 (1): 112–21. doi.org/10.1002/sea2.12266 .
  • Streinzer, Andreas, and Jelena Tosic. 2022. “Thinking with Gramsci Today: Gramscian Perspectives in Ethnographies of Europe.” Dialect Anthropol 46 (4): 1–10. doi.org/10.1007/s10624-022-09679-0 .
  • Tošić, Jelena, and Andreas Streinzer, eds. 2022. Ethnographies of Deservingness: Unpacking Ideologies of Distribution and Inequality. New York, London: Berghahn.
  • Streinzer, Andreas. 2021. “Uncanny Companions: Kinship, Activism, and Public Health as Interdependent Modalities of Care Provision Under Greek Austerity.” EthnoAntropologia 9 (1): 101–18.
  • Streinzer, Andreas. 2016. “Stretching Money to Pay the Bills: Temporal Modalities and Relational Practices of ‘Getting by’ in the Greek Economic Crisis.” The Cambridge Journal of Anthropology 34 (1): 45–57. doi.org/10.3167/ca.2016.340106 .