portrait picture Michael Anranter

Michael Anranter, MA MA

University Assistant (prae-Doc)

Contact Details

Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Vienna
NIG, 4th floor
Room: C0412

T: +43-1-4277-49524
E-Mail: michael.anranter@univie.ac.at

Office Hours

After previous registration via email



Current Courses: u:find

Past Courses: u:find

Research Focus Areas

  • Anthropology of Infrastructure and Built Environment
  • Urban Anthropology
  • Identities
  • Post-socialism and EU
  • Visual anthropology

Short Biography

Michael Anranter is a PhD student at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology. He holds a master's degree in political science as well as in cultural and social anthropology. His research focuses on infrastructure, urban transformation processes, identities, and participative and visual research techniques. In his dissertation he investigates the entanglements between road and bridge construction and residents of a small town in northern Bulgaria.

Before joining the Institute for Cultural and Social Anthropology, Michael Anranter worked as a research assistant in the projects SPACES (http://www.spacesproject.net) and DANUrB (http://www.interreg-danube.eu/approved-projects/danurb). Both projects were concerned with recent challenges of the former socialist countries in Eastern Europe.

Selected Publications

  • Anranter, Michael; Dumreicher, Heidi; Kolb Bettina; 2018. Seasoned Tales – Cultural Heritage Moments along the Danube River. 5th International Academic Conference; Places and Technologies. Technical University of Belgrade.
  • Anranter, Michael; 2016. Place-making Tactics or Strategies? A Case Study on Governmental Strategies in Urban Restructuring Processes and the Effective Challenge of Asylum Seekers’ Trying to Find a Place and Way of Place-making in Bolzano. In: Spaces and Flows: An International Journal of Urban and ExtraUrban Studies, Vol. 8(1), CG Publisher.
  • Kolb, Bettina; Dumreicher, Heidi; Levine, Richard S.; Anranter, Michael; 2015. Exploring Spaces of Possibilities for Arts, Culture, Public Space, and Civil Society. In: The International Journal of Social, Political and Community Agendas in the Arts 10(3), ISSN 2326-9960.