portrait picture Ria Adams

Dr. Ria-Maria Adams


Contact Details

Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Schottengasse 10, 1010 Vienna

T: +43-1-4277-49511
E-Mail: ria.adams@univie.ac.at

Office Hours

Please contact: ria.adams@univie.ac.at


Current Courses: u:find

Past Courses: u:find

Research Focus Areas

  • Arctic Youth
  • Youth Well-being
  • Arctic Infrastructures
  • Shrinking Towns
  • Northern Finland
  • Northern Fennoscandia

Short Biography

Currently, Ria-Maria Adams works as a researcher for the ERC funded project: https://infranorth.eu, focusing on the role of transport infrastructures in the Fennoscandian Arctic. In February 2024, she defended her PhD thesis at the University of Vienna on the topic of youth wellbeing in northern Finland.

Previously, Ria-Maria has contributed as a researcher to the Finnish case study of the LISH project at Aalto University addressing liveability in shrinking towns in Finland and Germany. She has also worked at the Arctic Centre, University of Lapland in the project: Live, Work or Leave? Youth – wellbeing and the viability of (post) extractive Arctic industrial cities in Finland and Russia.

Selected Publications

Current Affiliations