Mag. Andreas Streinzer


Contact Details

Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Vienna
NIG, 4th floor




Office Hours

by appointment via email


Current Courses: u:find

Past Courses: u:find

Research Focus Areas

  • Economic Anthropology
  • Moral Economies
  • Anthropology of Europe
  • Households
  • Provisioning
  • Values

Short Biography

During his undergraduate studies in Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Vienna employed in several international NGOs (last postion projet management in the executive office of CARE International in Vienna). Diploma Thesis about the gift relations between a multinational corporation and a NGO in Austria and Eastern Ethiopia (Supervisor Prof. Dr. Thomas Fillitz). 

Since 2014 Fellow of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (DOCteam) in the project "Practicing Values" (Thesis Supervisor Prof. Dr. Thomas Fillitz; External Advisor James G. Carrier). Fieldwork in Volos, Greece on several fieldwork periods between 2014 and 2017. May 2015 to February 2016 guest researcher at the Social Anthropology Laboratory, University of Thessaly in Volos, Greece. From October 2015 Speaker of the Regional Group Europe in the German Anthropological Association. April to July 2016 guest researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in Halle/ Saale, Germany. In May 2017 guest student at the Institute for Sociology, University of Lancaster (Supervisors: Prof. Bob Jessop and Prof. Andrew Sayer). 

September 2017 to May 2018 guest researcher at the Institut für Sozialforschung (IfS) in Frankfurt/ Main (Supervisor Prof. Axel Honneth; stay financed through a Marietta Blau stipend of the OeAD).  

Selected Publications


  • Streinzer, Andreas. 2016. Stretching Money to Pay the Bills. The Temporal Modalities and Relational Practices of Getting By in the Greek Economic Crisis. Cambridge Journal of Anthropology, 34 (1), 45- 57.
  • Streinzer, Andreas (forthcoming). 2018. Doing Economic Relations Otherwise: Everyday Politics of Solidarity in the TEM currency network in Volos, Greece. In Special Issue of Ethnologia Europaea „Practices of Resistance and Change in the Mediterranean “. Edited by Jutta Lauth Bacas and Marion Näser-Lather.
  • Streinzer, Andreas (forthcoming). 2018. Relations with the Market: material and symbolic rationales of getting by in Greece, in Sypridakis, M. (ed.) Market vs Society? Human principles and economic rationale in changing times. Palgrave MacMillan.

non peer-reviewed

  • Spyridakis, Manos and Andreas Streinzer. 2017. "Τ.Ε.Μ.-Ένα Ψηφιακό Νόμισμα κατά της Ύφεσης", στο, Μ.Σπυριδάκης, Η.Κουτσούκου, Α.Μαρινοπούλου (επιμ), Εμπειρίες του Κυβερνοχώρου, Αθήνα: Ι.Σιδέρης.

Dissertation Project

Getting by in difficult times. Moral Economies of Provisioning in Volos, Greece

DOCteam Projekt der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften

Link to the whole project: 

The project focuses on the political economies of provisioning in Volos, Greece. Most households in the medium sized city have experienced shrinking available incomes due to state austerity and recession in the formal economy after 2009. The research project aims at understanding the repercussions of these changes in the economic lives of participant households. Two levels of analysis are used - the reconfigurations of the material relations  and the moral evaluations of these reconfigurations. A special role in fieldwork and analysis is given to two alternative economic networks - a no-middleman network and a complementary currency scheme. 

The project is based  in economic anthropology, and raises questions about the analysis of provisioning paths in a capitalist market society in recession and austerity and about how people justify their actions and relate them to larger issues, such as the state, capitalism, the European Union and ethical personhood.