Dr. Evangelos Karagiannis


Contact Details


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Research Focus Areas

  • Political anthropology (nationalism, ethnicity, marginality)
  • Anthropology of religion (Pentecostal movement; religion and modernity)
  • Anthropology of globalization and modernity
  • Migration
  • Balkans (particularly Bulgaria and Greece), Eastern Europe, Germany

Short Biography

MA in Social Anthropology and Balkan Studies and PhD in Social Anthropology at the Free University Berlin

Research Associate, University of Osnabrück, Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (2000-2002)

Research Associate, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle (Saale), Germany (2002-2004)

Assistant Professor and Project Leader, University of Zurich, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology (2004-2012)

Temporary Lecturer: Free University Berlin, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Danube University Krems

Fieldwork: Rhodope Mountains, Bulgaria (1994-1995), Ulm (2000-2001), Halle (Saale) (2003-2004), Athens (2010-2012)

Languages: English, Greek, Bulgarian, French, Albanian (passive skills)  

Selected Publications

Karagiannis, Evangelos

  • (with Shalini Randeria) Exclusion as a Liberal Imperative: Culture, Gender and the Orientalization of Migration, in: Bachmann-Medick, Doris and Kugele, Jens (eds.): Critical Perspectives on Migration (Concepts for the Study of Culture, vol. 7). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. (in press)
  • Sprache und (Un-)Sichtbarkeit in der griechischen Politik, in: Schubert, Gabriella und Himstedt-Vaid, Petra (eds.), Schein und Sein / Sichtbares und Unsichtbares in den Kulturen Südosteuropas, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz (Forschungen zu Südosteuropa). (in press)
  • with Shalini Randeria) Zwischen Begeisterung und Unbehagen: Ein anthropologischer Blick auf den Begriff der Kultur, in: de la Rosa, Sibylle, Sophia Schubert und Holger Zapf (Hrsg.), Transkulturelle Politische Theorie: Eine Einführung, Wiesbaden: Springer Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften (Transkulturelle und interkulturelle Politische Theorie und Ideengeschichte), 2016, 63-83.
  • (with Effie Fokas) Greek Identity and Europe: Entanglements and Tensions, in: Spohn, Wilfried, Wolfgang Knöbl and Matthias König (eds.), Religion and National Identity in an Enlarged Europe, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015, 68-95.


1994-2000 "The identity of the Pomaks in Post-Socialist Bulgaria“ (self-funded and self-organised), Free University Berlin

2000-2002 “Migration and cultural difference in municipalities: a historico-systematic examination” (funded by the Volkswagen Foundation; Principal Investigators: Klaus Bade and Michael Bommes), University of Osnabrück

2003-2004 “Simultaneity of migrant incorporation: local ties with global reach and the everyday practices of global security” (funded by the MacArthur Foundation; Principal Investigator: Prof. Glick Schiller), Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology

2008-2012 “Europeanization, Multiple Modernities and Collective Identities – Religion, Nation and Ethnicity in an enlarging Europe” (funded by the Volkswagen Foundation; Principal Investigators: Wolfgang Knöbl, Matthias Koenig, and Wilfried Spohn), University of Göttingen

2010-2012 “Between Globalism and Nationalism: Pentecostalism as a challenge to the nation- state in Greece” (funded by the Suiss National Science Foundation; Principal Investigator: E.K.), University of Zurich