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Nowhere at home: LGBT activism and homelessness in Croatia and Serbia

Bojan Bilic, A. Marušić

This chapter problematises the stereotypical representation of gay affluence and examines the system of oppression created at the crossroads between homelessness and homophobia. The authors argue that homeless people in Croatia and in the wider region are hardly ever recognised as sexual beings, which is a practice that particularly discriminates against those with a non-heterosexual identification. This chapter shows that LGBT activist groups still have not sufficiently considered the intersection between homelessness and non-heterosexuality, which is occluded by the widespread insistence upon access to marriage or civil partnership for non-heterosexual people. Social workers do not seem to be, for the time being, sufficiently sensitised to dealing with LGBT homeless persons and their specific concerns, which further complicates their possibilities for using the social service system.

Department of Education, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Publication date
Peer reviewed
Austrian Fields of Science 2012
504014 Gender studies
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