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Contemporary Types of Ritualistic South Indian Mizhavu Percussion Ensembles in Kerala

Karin Bindu, Sajith Vijayan

n Kerala’s Koodiyattam and Koothu performances based on Sanskrit
dramas about certain characters from the Indian national epics Ramayana and Mahabharata, Mizhavu percussionists usually sit behind the actors. In Natya Shastra three varieties of Mrdangam are mentioned. Mizhavu, a sacred drum (Deva Vadyam), is considered as “Oordhuwa mukha Mrdangam” describing the upright position of the drum covered with calf skin on top. There are no other Oordhuwa mukha Mrdangams in India.
By creating new musical forms like Mizhavu Thyambaka and various forms of Mizhavu Melams, the percussionists place themselves into the center of the stage as well as attracting the audience. The compositions of the new created art forms follow complex metrical structures, that are influenced by other kinds of temple music like Chenta Thayambaka and Chenta Melam and can also be based on the tradition of seven Talas (metric cycles) used in Kootiyattam and Koothu performances. A Mizhavu percussion group consists of a variable number of male players. Other instruments like Chenta drums, big cymbals, horn and pipe are integrated into the ensemble depending on the performance style. Apart from written works in Malayalam language by P. K. N. Nambiar and K. Eswaranunni, there have not been any scientific studies and transcriptions of the variety of Mizhavu Melams and Mizhavu Thyambaka. These new art forms are at present flourishing
all over Kerala.

Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology
External organisation(s)
Kerala Kalamandalam Deemed University
No. of pages
Publication date
Peer reviewed
Austrian Fields of Science 2012
604009 Ethnomusicology
ASJC Scopus subject areas
Arts and Humanities(all)
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