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Fostering Social Media Literacy through a Participatory Mixed-Methods Approach: Discussion of Workshop Findings

Barbara Göbl, Dayana Hristova, Suzana Jovicic, Marie-France Chevron, Thomas Slunecko, Helmut Hlavacs

Social media is a permanent companion of today's adolescents. Its various positive and negative effects on well-being have been broadly discussed. We argue that transparency and knowledge about underlying principles of social media are crucial steps towards empowering its adolescent users. Therefore, we aim to design a serious game addressing these concerns. This paper describes a participatory approach to game design and presents results from 15 workshop sessions including qualitative data from various workshop activities and 19 prototypes designed by adolescents. We present both a qualitative and quantitative analysis of these low-fidelity prototypes as well as the content discussed within these workshops, thereby, laying out adolescents' views on relevant topics, contents and respective design for a serious game.

Vienna Cognitive Science Hub, Research Platform Mediatised Lifeworlds: Young people's narrative constructions, connections and appropriations, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Department of Sociology, Department for Teacher Education
Publication date
Peer reviewed
Austrian Fields of Science 2012
102015 Information systems
ASJC Scopus subject areas
Health(social science), Health Informatics, Human-Computer Interaction, Computer Science Applications, Media Technology
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