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Nuove e vecchie influenze

Giorgio Brocco

Over the past 40 years, post- and de-colonial ideas have developed and emerged from the circulation of the works of various intellectuals within the humanities and social sciences. These include the writings of Franz Fanon, Valentin-Yves Mudimbe and Edward Said. Research conducted by other scholars, some part of Subaltern Studies, such as Gayatri Spivak, and others belonging to the sphere of Black feminism, such as Sylvia Wynter and Françoise Vergès, fall within this strand of study. Out of these influences, medical anthropology and other cognate disciplines within the so-called “medical humanities” have produced, developed and refined various epistemological and methodological approaches that, not only can be defined as ‘critical’, but must be framed within the theoretical impulses inaugurated by post- and decolonial analyses. After introducing some of the guiding lines of this strand of ideas and knowledge, as they have been absorbed by current anthropological and sociological deliberations, this article identifies—incompletely and selectively—some of the multiple research avenues that have arisen at the intersection of post- and decolonial approaches and the reflections circulating within medical anthropology. More specifically, the three lines of research examined here regard: (1) the analysis of post- and decolonial subjectivities in relation to changing conceptions of health, disease, and disability; (2) the critical study of humanitarian and global health interventions; and (3) the examination of indigenous and non-Western systems of care and healing practices.

Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology
AM Rivista della Società di Antropologia Medica
167 - 196
No. of pages
Publication date
Peer reviewed
Austrian Fields of Science 2012
504017 Cultural anthropology
Sustainable Development Goals
SDG 5 - Gender Equality
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