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Throwing their weights around? Anthropological perspectives on commodity and gift exchange at the dawn of the Early Bronze Age in Western Anatolia

Sabina Cvecek

The growing body of literature regarding cultural changes associated with long-distance trade networks between Western Anatolia and Cilicia in the third millennium BC still lacks synthesis concerning social processes and types of exchange involved between trading groups. This paper aims to address the issue by focusing on long-distance transactions of metals in Western Anatolia at the dawn of the Early Bronze Age (EBA) I and shows that contact between a somewhat decentralized pre-state and an early state society does not necessarily lead to immediate centralization. The following contribution derives from empirical evidence of Near Eastern balance weights at the EBA I (2950-2750 BC) settlement of Çukuriçi Höyük, a coastal site in Western Anatolia. Due to the scarcity of data on balance weights in Western Anatolia and Mesopotamia in this period, the paper draws extensively on ethnographic records of metal trading societies and economic anthropology, in which assiduous attention is given to exchange conducted outside of the “cultural sphere". Instead of studying weights on their own, the paper addresses wider social implications that weighting and metrology may trigger in a pre-literate society. The argument seeks to demonstrate that restricted commodity exchange may not necessarily lead to abrupt centralization, but rather to a new spectrum of transactions that always depend on social distance.

Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Ägypten und Levante (= Egypt and the Levant)
No. of pages
Publication date
Peer reviewed
Austrian Fields of Science 2012
601021 Prehistory, 504009 Ethnology, 504017 Cultural anthropology
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