peer-reviewed publications in u:cris
Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 935
Mückler H. 2025. Dealing with German Colonial Architecture. Two Strategies – Two Losses: the Old Courthouse in Apia, Samoa, and the Joachim deBrum House Likiep, Marshall Islands. Falser M, Horn G, Mager T, Ziesemer J, editors. In Monuments and Sites De-colonial! Apporaches to the Built Heritage of the German Colonial Era.. 1. ed. Berlin: ICOMOS Nationalkomitee der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. pp. 146-150. (Hefte des Deutschen Nationalkomitees, Vol. LXXXIV).
Streinzer A. 2025. Leaking panic as policy: Bordering, scaling, and forming in Austrian distributive politics. Anthropological Theory.
Herzog T, Larena M, Kutanan W, Lukas H, Fieder M, Schaschl H. 2025. Natural selection and adaptive traits in the Maniq, a nomadic hunter-gatherer society from Mainland Southeast Asia. Scientific Reports. 15(1):4809.
Gartler S, Scheer J, Meyer A, Abass K, Bartsch A, Doloisio N, Falardeau J, Hugelius G, Irrgang A, Ingimundarson JH, et al. 2025. A transdisciplinary, comparative analysis reveals key risks from Arctic permafrost thaw. Communications Earth & Environment. 6:Article 21.
Sandmann L, Gunko M, Shirobokova I, Adams R-M, Lilius J, Großmann K. 2025. LOCAL INITIATIVES IN SHRINKING CITIES: On Normative Framings and Hidden Aspirations in Scholarly Work. International Journal for Urban and Regional Research. 49(1):214-223.
Palmberger M. 2025. “Digitale Tagebuchforschung” (digital diary research). Stollfuß S, Niebling L, Raczkowski F, editors. In Handbuch digitale Medien und Methoden. Wiesbaden: Springer.
Streinzer A. 2025. How queer is a shared flat? Beyond straightjackets of imagining social reproduction in the Greek crisis. Posocco S, Gonzalez-Polledo EJ, Aaberg L, Altay T, editors. In Queer and Trans Life: Anthropological Futures. Berghahn Books. pp. 67-86. (EASA series).
Grenz S. 2025. ‘I Don’t Know If You Have Experience with Meditation?’: Intersectionally Gendered Power Relations in Post-secular Research. Religion & Gender.
Grenz S, Liinason M, ed. 2025. The complex intricacies of gender, secularities and religiosities: Exploring entanglements, borders and struggles in knowledge production, activism and everyday life (forthcoming). Brill Ferdinand Schöningh. 90 p.
Caglar A. 2024. Expanded extractivism, confinement, and (im)mobilized labor in city-making: a longue durée perspective. Dialectical Anthropology.
Alibašić A, Bauer D, Müssig S, Račius E, ed. 2024. Yearbook of Muslims in Europe, Vol. 16. 1 ed. Leiden: Brill. 748 p. (Yearbook of Muslims in Europe, Vol. 16).
Fink C, Willberg E, Klein R, Heikinheimo V, Toivonen T. 2024. A travel time matrix data set for the Helsinki region 2023 that is sensitive to time, mode and interpersonal differences, and uses open data and novel open-source software. Scientific Data. 11(1):Article 858.
Verstappen S. 2024. Developing a segregated homeland: How internal displacement in a remittance-receiving region affects transnational migrants’ development practices. World Development. 182:Article 106694.
Willberg E, Fink C, Klein R, Heinonen R, Toivonen T. 2024. ‘Green or short: choose one’ - A comparison of walking accessibility and greenery in 43 European cities. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 113:Article 102168.
Streinzer A. 2024. Fiscal extraction by sovereignty: Calculative bordering and differential entanglement in the Eurozone crisis. Anthropological Theory. 24(3):311.
Caglar A. 2024. Looking Through the Lens of "Essential Workers": A landscape of (im)mobility, Labor, and Social Reproduction. Dialectical Anthropology. 48(3):367-382.
Lenikus V, Torres Heredia JM. 2024. Defending Livelihoods: Reflections on Environmental and Social Movements and Examples of Social-Ecological Conflicts in Colombia and Ecuador from a Materialist Perspective. Journal für Entwicklungspolitik (JEP). 40(1/2):107-128.
Anranter M, Moser M. 2024. Introduction: Pausing, Waiting, and Dwelling in Mobilities. Mobility Humanities. 3(2):1-8.