peer-reviewed publications in u:cris
Showing entries 161 - 180 out of 917
Grenz S, Mauer H, Behrmann N, Lücke M, Sammern R. 2022. Vorwort. In: Prostitution und Sexarbeit, GENDER, Zeitschrift für Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft. Gender - Zeitschrift für Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft. 14(1):7-10.
Thelen T, Lammer C. 2021. Introduction: Measuring Kinship, Negotiating Belonging. Social Analysis. 65(4):1-22.
Saxinger G, Krasnoshtanova N, Illmeier G. 2021. Neglected Transportation Infrastructure: Corporate Social Responsibility and the Russian State in a Small Siberian Oil Town. Sibirica. 20(3):1-45.
En B. 2021. The | My absent_present queer body in academia. Queer-Feminist Science and Technology Studies Forum. 6:8-15.
Povoroznyuk O. 2021. Ambiguous Entanglements: Infrastructure, Memory and Identity in Indigenous Evenki Communities along the Baikal-Amur Mainline. Social Anthropology. 29(4):1064-1080.
Pasieka A. 2021. Postsocialist and Postcapitalist Questions? Far-Right Historical Narratives and the Making of a New Europe. East European Politics and Societies (EEPS). 35(4):975-995.
Mückler H. 2021. Inselgruppen an der Peripherie: die deutschen Südseekolonien. Melber H, Geiger W, editors. In Kritik des deutschen Kolonialismus. Postkoloniale Sicht auf Erinnerung und Geschichtsvermittlung.. 1. ed. Frankfurt am Main: Brandes & Apsel. pp. 113-123.
Komu T, Adams R-M. 2021. Not wanting to be “Stuck”: Exploring the role of mobility for young people´'s wellbeing in Northern Finland . In Young People, Wellbeing and Placemaking in the Arctic.
Adams R-M, Allemann L, Tynkkynen V-P. 2021. Youth wellbeing in “Atomic Towns”: The cases of Polyarnye Zori and Pyhäjoki. In Young People, Wellbeing and Placemaking in the Arctic. 1 ed. London: Routledge.
Salverda T, Nkonde C. 2021. When land becomes a burden: An analysis of an underperforming Zambian land deal. African Studies Review. 64(3):653-674.
Subasi Singh S, Pellech C, Gutschik A, Proyer M, O'Rourke IM. 2021. Intersectional Aspects of Education at the Nexus of Disability and Forced Migration: Perspectives of Parents, Educational Experts, and School Authorities in Greater Vienna. Education Sciences. 11(8):Article 423.
Markom C, Tosic J. 2021. The “educated teacher”: Joint (self-)reflection on translatability between anthropology and teacher education. Teaching anthropology : TA : a journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. 10(3):46-58.
Torres Heredia JM. 2021. From Absences to the Ecologies of Knowledges: Colonial and Decolonial Aspirations in the Scholarly Communication System. Torres Heredia M, Seidl G, Kusche F, Korak J, editors. In From Absences to the Ecologies of Knowledges: Colonial and Decolonial Aspirations in the Scholarly Communication System. 1/2 ed. Wien: Mattersburger Kreis für Entwicklungspolitik an den Österreichischen Universitäten . pp. 114-151. (Journal für Entwicklungspolitik (JEP); No. Issue 1/2 • 2021, Vol. Volume XXXVIII ).
Pasieka A. 2021. Making an Ethnic Group: Lemko-Rusyns and the Minority Question in the Second Polish Republic. European History Quarterly. 51(3):386-410.
Grijalva DP. 2021. Paper, pen and today’s communication platforms: Remote disaster research during a pandemic. Sojourn: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia. 36(2):376-385.
Karagiannis E. 2021. Provincialism as Asset and Predicament: The Free Apostolic Church of Pentecost in Greece. PentecoStudies. 20(1):9 – 35.
Günther EA, Fink D, Ratković V. 2021. Towards a good university: Challenges, tensions and opportunities within the neoliberal university from a feminist perspective. 2nd International Conference of the journal "Scuola Democratica".
Kashanipour J. 2021. The Gradual Gaze: Drawing as a Practice of Ethnographic Description. Anthropology and Humanism. 46(1):81-94.
Thelen T. 2021. Care as Belonging, Difference, and Inequality. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Anthropology. Oxford University Press.
Mückler H. 2021. Das Reklamesammelbild. Stereotype Bilder zu Kolonialismus in der entstehenden Konsumgesellschaft. BÖKWE : bildnerische Erziehung, technisches Werken, textiles Gestalten ; Fachblatt des Berufsverbandes Österreichischer Kunst- und WerkerzieherInnen. 2:8-13.
Showing entries 161 - 180 out of 917