peer-reviewed publications in u:cris
Showing entries 141 - 160 out of 917
Verstappen S 2022. New Lives in Anand: Building a Muslim Hub in Western India. Seattle: University of Washington Press. 216 p.
Brocco G. 2022. Nuove e vecchie influenze: Antropologia medica e gli approcci post- e decoloniali . AM Rivista della Società di Antropologia Medica. 23(53):167 - 196.
Bilic B, Milanović A, ed. 2022. Postjugoslo/avenski trans: životi, aktivizmi, kulture. Zagreb: Multimedijalni institut.
Bilic B. 2022. (Post)socijalističke nevolje s rodom: Transfobija u srpskom levom aktivizmu. Godišnjak za sociologiju. 28(29):185-203.
Grenz S, Mauer H, Behrmann N, Lücke M, Sammern R, ed. 2022. Prostitution und Sexarbeit, GENDER, Zeitschrift für Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft. (Gender - Zeitschrift für Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft; No. 1, Vol. 14).
Zabolotnaya T, Wiedlack MK. 2022. Recognition or Othering? Trans*representation in Russian media. In Handbook of the Changing World LGBTQ Map.. Springer US. pp. 481-497.
Palmberger M. 2022. Refugees enacting (digital) citizenship through placemaking and care practices near and far. Journal of Citizenship Studies. 26(6):781-798.
Caglar A. 2022. Reorganization of borders, migrant workers, and the coloniality of power. Citizenship Studies. 26(4-5):401-410.
Pasieka A 2022. Rethinking Modern Polish Identities: Transnational Encounters. Rochester: University of Rochester Press. 372 p.
Thelen T. 2022. Sorge als „Grenzobjekt“: Ein ethnographischer Ansatz zur Unterscheidung öffentlich/privat. Hünersdorf B, editor. In Going Public: erziehungswissenschaftliche Ethnographie und ihre Öffentlichkeiten. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Brocco G. 2022. Sparks of Otherness: Sparks of Otherness: Producing Representations of Albinism in Documentary Films from the Global North. Baker C, Imafidon E, editors. In Cultural Representations of Albinism in Africa: Narratives of Change. 1 ed. Oxford: Peter Lang. pp. 115-132.
Thelen T. 2022. Stategraphy: A Social Anthropological Approach to the State. Schaffar W, Flatschart E, Fahimi M, editors. In State and Statehood in the Global South: Theoretical Approaches and Empirical Studies. 1. ed. Cham: Springer. pp. 49-65.
Eberhard I. 2022. Tätowiert sein, ist wie ein Haus bewohnen: Tätowierungen zwischen Status, Schmuck, Schönheit und noch viel mehr . Gerber PA, editor. In Tattoos und Tattooentfernung: Alles was man wissen muss. Berlin: Springer. pp. 3-13.
Lehner L, Eitenberger M. 2022. Teaching Multiplicities: Von der Arbeit mit multi-medialen Arbeiten. CURARE - JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ANTHROPOLOGY.
Vidić J, Bilic B. 2022. TGNB persons, mental health, and gender binarism in Serbia. Bilić B, Nord I, Milanović A, editors. In Transgender in the Post-Yugoslav Space: Lives, Activisms, Culture. Bristol: Bristol University Press. pp. 59-96.
Jovicic S. 2022. The Affective Triad: Smartphone in the Ethnographic Encounter. Media and Communication . 10(3):225-235.
Gartler S, Saxinger G. 2022. The Living Culture House: First Nation of Nacho Nyäk Dun Cultural Revitalization and the Making of A Cultural Centre. In More than Nature: Research on Infrastructure and Settlements in the North. Vienna/Berlin: LIT Verlag. pp. 301-324.
Palmberger M, Götsch BE. 2022. The nexus of anthropology and narrative: ethnographic encounters with practices of storytelling. Narrative Culture. 29(1):1-22.
Bilic B, Nord I, Milanović A, ed. 2022. Transgender in the Post-Yugoslav Space: Lives, Activisms, Culture. Bristol University Press. 248 p.
Caglar A. 2022. Transnational Migration. Triandafyllidou A, editor. In Routledge Handbook of Immigration and Refugee Studies . 2 ed. London: Routledge International Handbooks.
Showing entries 141 - 160 out of 917