peer-reviewed publications in u:cris
Showing entries 121 - 140 out of 917
Palmberger M, Kaufmann K 2022. Across mobile online and offline spaces: Reflections on methods, practices, ethics.
Schweitzer P. 2022. Afterword: Inuit Worlds in a Global Arctic. Stern P, editor. In The Inuit World. Routledge. pp. 433-438.
Schiffler T, Carmichael C, Lehner L, Gil-Salmeron A, Kouvari M, Karnaki P, Grabovac I. 2022. Barriers and facilitators to healthcare access for homeless people in four European countries. European Journal of Public Health. 32:Article ckac129.068.
Ciotti M. 2022. Dalit women between social and analytical alterity: rethinking the ‘quintessentially marginal’. Fernandes L, editor. In Handbook of gender in South Asia. . 2 ed. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis.
Persch M. 2022. Der sorgende Staat? Sorgenarrative im Jugendgefängnis in Accra, Ghana. In Vienna Working Papers in Ethnography. (Vienna Working Papers in Ethnography).
Palmberger M, Kaufmann K. 2022. Doing Research at Online and Offline Intersections: Bringing Together Digital and Mobile Methodologies. Media and Communication . 10(3):219-224.
Rajkovic I. 2022. Emerging varieties of work. Carrier J, editor. In Handbook of Economic Anthropology. 3 ed. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 289-302.
Vasileiadi M, Tik M, Kranz G, Ruetgen M, Princic M, Vanicek T, Pfabigan DM, Hahn A, Sladky R, Lanzenberger R, et al. 2022. EMOTION PROCESSING TASK AS A NEW STRATEGY FOR LOCATING INDIVIDUALIZED TMS TARGETS. Psychiatria Danubina. 34:27-27.
Thelen T. 2022. Good Enough Sovereignty: Struggles Over Land and Territory in the Latvian Countryside. History and Anthropology .
Thelen T. 2022. In the making and unmaking of statehood. An exploration of how the state and gas corporations negotiate over the generation of socio-economic development in Tanzania. Forum for Development Studies.
Budka P. 2022. Indigenous media: Anthropological perspectives and historical notes. Costa E, Lange PG, Haynes N, Sinanan J, editors. In The Routledge Companion to Media Anthropology. Routledge, Taylor & Francis. pp. 33-46.
Schweitzer P, Povoroznyuk O. 2022. Infrastructural Legacies and Post-Soviet Transformations in Northern Sakha (Yakutiya), Russia. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning. 24(3):297-308.
Palmberger M, Götsch BE 2022. “‘Let me tell you a story‘: anthropological encounters with narrative”. (Narrative Culture).
Adams R-M, Bolotova A, Alasalmi V. 2022. Liveability under shrinkage: initiatives in the ‘capital of pessimism’ in Finland. European Planning Studies. 31(1):212-229.
Kraus W, Eberhard I. 2022. Managing Data, Managing Contradictions: Archiving and Sharing Ethnographic Data. Burkhardt M, van Geenen D, Gerlitz C, Hind S, Kaerlein T, Lämmerhirt D, Volmar A, editors. In Interrogating Datafication: Towards a Praxeology of Data. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 185-206.
Götsch BE. 2022. ‘Mentalisieren, soziales Lernen und Kultur’. Imagination : Österreichische Gesellschaft für Angewandte Tiefenpsychologie und Allgemeine Psychotherapie (ÖGATAP). 22(4):61-80.
Palmberger M. 2022. Migrants and New Media: Digital Ethnography, Transnationalism, and Superdiversity. Meissner F, Sigona N, Vertovec S, editors. In The Oxford Handbook of Superdiversity. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 163-176.
Brocco G. 2022. Multiple Energy Landscapes. Political and Legal Anthropology Review (PoLAR). 45:1-8.
Palmberger M. 2022. Narratives of Transnational Placemaking: Exploring Migrant Workers’ Hidden Histories through Memory-Guided City Walks: A Migrant Woman’s Narrative. Narrative Culture. 9(1):91-108.
Götsch BE. 2022. Negotiating a project request: narrative and intersubjective understanding at work’, Narrative Culture. Narrative Culture. 9(1):46-71.
Showing entries 121 - 140 out of 917