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Budka P, Mader E, Stockinger J, Borsdorf A. 2005. From inter- to transdisciplinary content production in web based learning systems: Experiences with LASON and OEKU-Online. In Proceedings of the International Conference Interactive Computer Aided Learning: Ambient and Mobile Learning.

Mückler H. 2005. Marshall Islands. Gieler W, Inal K, Kullmann C, editors. In Foreign Policy of States: A Handbook of World Affairs. Istanbul: Tasam Publications. pp. 323-325.

Mückler H. 2005. Republic of Palau. Gieler W, Inal K, Kullmann C, editors. In Foreign Policy of States: A Handbook of World Affairs. Istanbul: Tasam Publications. pp. 381-383.


Budka P, Kremser M. 2004. CyberAnthropology - anthropology of cyberculture. Khittel S, Plankensteiner B, Six-Hohenbalken M, editors. In Contemporary issues in socio-cultural anthropology: Perspectives and research activities from Austria. Löcker Verlag. pp. 213-226.

Wiederkehr C, Basavaraj R, Sarrauste de Menthiere C, Hermida L, Koch R, Schlecht U, Amon A, Brachat S, Breitenbach M, Briza P, et al. 2004. GermOnline, a cross-species community knowledgebase on germ cell differentiation. Nucleic Acids Research. 32(DATABASE I):560-567.

Budka P, Mader E, Stockinger J. 2004. Interdisciplinarity and interculturality in cyberspace: The learning system Latin American Studies Online. Sudweeks F, Ess C, editors. In Fourth International Conference on Cultural Attitudes towards Technology and Communication 2004. Murdoch University. pp. 558-563.

Mader E, Stockinger J, Reisner B, Budka P. 2004. Latin American Studies Online: An interdisciplinary learning system. In Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2004: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). pp. 2254-2259.

Mückler H. 2004. Preface to "Prelude to Empire - Consuls, Missionary Kingdoms, and the Pre-Colonial South Seas, Seen Trough the Life of William Thomas Pritchard.". Robson AE, editor. In Prelude to Empire: Consuls, Missionary Kingdoms, and the Pre-Colonial South Seas, Seen Trough the Life of William Thomas Pritchard. Hamburg: LIT Verlag. pp. 11-13.

Caglar A, Soysal L, ed. 2004. Turkish Migration to Germany: Issues, Reflections, and Futures. Istanbul: Homer Academic Publishing. (New Perspectives on Turkey).


Mückler H. 2003. Amerikanisch-Samoa. Gieler W, editor. In Handbuch der Ausländer- und Zuwanderungspolitik: Von Afghanistan bis Zypern. Hamburg: LIT Verlag. pp. 30-34.