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Mückler H. 2009. Einleitung zu "Das architektonische Erbe Samoas - 18. bis 20. Jahrhundert. Geschichte und Gesellschaft.". Mückler H, Ortmayr N, Werber H, editors. In Das architektonische Erbe Samoas: 18. bis 20. Jahrhundert. Geschichte und Gesellschaft. Wien: Promedia Verlag. pp. 7-12. (Edition Weltregionen, Vol. 17).

Grenz S, Liinason M, Alnebratt K, Larsson B, ed. 2009. Friendship in Feminist Conversation. Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis.

Budka P. 2009. Indigenous media technology production in Northern Ontario, Canada. Ertler K-D, Lutz H, editors. In Canada in Grainau: A multidisciplinary survey of Canadian Studies after 30 years. Peter Lang. pp. 63-74.

Grenz S. 2009. Teaching National Socialist history by reading war diaries. Clancy M, Peto A, editors. In Teaching Empires. Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht. pp. 57-68.

Grenz S, Pereira MDM. 2009. Tuning an Interdisciplinary Introductory Gender Studies Course - the IP-Programme ‘Practising Interdisciplinarity in European Gender Studies’ in June 2008. Waaldijk B, Tuin EVD, editors. In The Making of European Women's Studies: A work in progress report on curriculum development and related issues in gender education and research. Utrecht: Athena. pp. 42-45.


Mader E, Budka P, Anderl E, Stockinger J, Halbmayer E. 2008. Blended learning strategies for methodology education in an Austrian social sciences setting. In Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2008: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). pp. 730-738.