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Thelen T. 2021. Care as Belonging, Difference, and Inequality. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Anthropology. Oxford University Press.

Pasieka A. 2021. Are we all extremists now?”. Loperfido G, Kapferer B, editors. In Today’s Extremism(s). London: Berghahn Books.

Geisenhainer K. 2021. Auseinandersetzungen um die institutionelle Verortung von „Rassenkunde“ und „Rassenhygiene“ am Beispiel Wien. Gingrich A, Rohrbacher P, editors. In Völkerkunde zur NS-Zeit aus Wien (1938–1945) Institutionen, Praktiken und Biographie-zentrierte Netzwerke. Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (ÖAW). pp. 927-965.

Thelen T, Ellmer A. 2021. Care: Staat, Familie und die Konstruktion von Differenz. SSUPDFK, editor. In Familie im Kontext pädagogischer Institutionen: Theoretische Perspektiven und empirische Zugänge. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa. pp. 41-53.

Caglar A. 2021. City as Method. In Displacements and Dispossessions. . (Refugee Watch. A South Asian Journal on Forced Migration).

Karasz D. 2021. Defining the "Migrant" Resident in Vienna: the Non-Definition of "Migrants" in a Developer's Competition for "Intercultural" Housing Estates and the Consequences for Housing Allocations. In Immigrants, Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Times of Crises: An International Handbook on Migration, Asylum, Social Integration and Exclusion. European Public Law Organization (EPLO) Publications. pp. 650-675. (European Public Law Series).

Caglar A, Ray Chaudhury SB, ed. 2021. Displacement and Disposessions. Special Issue. . (Refugee Watch. A South Asian Journal on Forced Migration, Vol. 58).