peer-reviewed publications in u:cris
Showing entries 481 - 500 out of 900
Saxinger G, Öfner E, Nuykina E. 2017. The Russian North Connected – The Role of Long-Distance Commute Work for Regional Integration. Orttung R, editor. In Sustaining Russia´s Arctic Cities: Resource Politics, Migration, and Climate Change. London, New York: Berghahn Books.
Fischer A. 2017. Working in the Desert: The Significance of Labour Performances among Tuareg Nomads in the Algerian Sahara. Anthropos. A 112(2017/2):574-583.
Stieger AS. 2017. Zwischen oder jenseits von Natur und Kultur? Ernährungsanthropologische Ansätze zur Nahrung als sozio- und biokulturelles Phänomen. Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien. 147:271-291.
Sindelar MJ. 2016. Local, Regional, Global: An Investigation of Art Dubai’s Transnational Strategies. Arabian Humanities.
Fischer A. 2016. Hütte, Zelt und Wohnbedürfnis: Wohnraumansprüche bei Tuaeg Nomaden in der Zentralsahara. Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien. 146:205-219.
Gingrich A. 2016. Science, Race, and Empire: Ethnography in Vienna before 1918. East Central Europe. 43(1-2):41-63.
Rohrbacher P. 2016. The Race Debate in the Curia in the Context of “Mit brennender Sorge”. Bouthillon F, Levant M, editors. In Un pape contre le nazisme? : L’encyclique “Mit brennender Sorge“ du pape Pie XI. (14 mars 1937).Actes du colloque international de Brest, 4-6 juin 2015. Brest: Editions Dialogues. pp. 93-108.
Rohrbacher P. 2016. Pater Wilhelm Schmidt im Schweizer Exil: Interaktionen mit Wehrmachtsdeserteuren und Nachrichtendiensten, 1943–1945. Paideuma. 62:203-221.
Rohrbacher P. 2016. Albert Drexel: Priester, Sprachwissenschafter, Völkerkundler und Mystiker. Pittrof T, editor. In Handbuch des literarischen Katholizismus : Das 20. Jahrhundert im deutschsprachigen Raum: Autoren und Werke. Berlin [in Druck].
Streinzer A. 2016. Stretching Money to Pay the Bills. The Temporal Modalities and Relational Practices of Getting By in the Greek Economic Crisis. Cambridge Anthropology. 34(1):45-57.
Wiesböck L, Wanka A, Mayrhuber EA-S, Allex B, Kolland F, Hutter H-P, Wallner P, Arnberger A, Eder R, Kutalek R. 2016. Heat Vulnerability, Poverty and Health Inequalities in Urban Migrant Communities: A Pilot Study from Vienna. Filho WL, Azeiteiro UM, Alves F, editors. In Climate Change and Health: Improving Resilience and Reducing Risks. London/New York: Springer.
Caglar A. 2016. Still 'migrants' after all those years: foundational mobilities, temporal frames and emplacement of migrants. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 42(6):952-969.
Geisenhainer K. 2016. Die Felsbildsammlung in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus. Kohl K-H, Kuba R, Ivanoff H, Burkard B, editors. In Kunst der Vorzeit: Texte zu den Felsbildern der Sammlung Frobenius. Frankfurt am Main: Frobenius-Institut an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main. pp. 43-53.
Saxinger G. 2016. Lured by oil and gas: labour mobility, multi-locality and negotiating normality & extreme in the Russian Far North. The Extractive Industries and Society . 3(1):50-59.
Schweitzer P. 2016. Albert C. Heinrich and the Post-World War II Trajectory of (Alaskan) Inuit Kinship Studies. Krupnik I, editor. In Early Inuit Studies: Themes and Transitions in Eskimology, 1850s–1980s. Washington D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press. pp. 265-288.
Üllen S. 2016. Ambivalent Sites of Memories: The Meaning of Family Homes for Transnational Families. Tosic J, Palmberger M, editors. In Memories on the move. Experiencing Mobility, Rethinking the Past. Palgrave Macmillan.
Petrov AN, BurnSilver S, Chapin III FS, Fondahl G, Graybill J, Keil K, Nilsson AE, Riedlsperger R, Schweitzer P. 2016. Arctic Sustainability Research: Toward a New Agenda. Polar Geography. 39(3):165-178.
Mückler H. 2016. Australia - A Hegemonic Power in the Pacific Region. Journal of Pacific Studies. 36(2):137-159.
Günther J. 2016. Auto/biographical writing and subjectivity formations. Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies. 19(3):355-372.
Showing entries 481 - 500 out of 900