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peer-reviewed publications in u:cris


Tosic J. 2019. Travelling Genealogies: Tracing relatedness and diversity in the Albanian-Montenegrin Borderland. Donnan H, Hurd M, Leutloff-Grandits C, editors. In Migrating borders and moving times : Temporality and the crossing of borders in Europe. Manchester University Press. pp. 80-101. (Rethinking borders).

Fillitz T, ed. 2019. Aesthetic Encounters: The Politics of Moving and (Un)settling Visual Arts, Design and literature. Göttingen. (Anthrovision : VANEASA online journal; No. 1, Vol. 7).

Löffler M, Kreisky HE. 2019. Ansätze einer kritischen Theorie der Wissensgesellschaft. Bittlingmayer UH, Demirovic A, Freytag T, editors. In Handbuch Kritische Theorie. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. pp. 1023-.

Zips W, Zips-Mairitsch M, ed. 2019. Bewildering Borders. The Economy of Conservation in Africa. LIT Verlag. (Legal Anthropology and Indigenous Rights, Vol. 4).

Bindu K, Vijayan S. 2019. Contemporary Types of Ritualistic South Indian Mizhavu Percussion Ensembles in Kerala. Ambrózová J, Garaj B, editors. In Traditional Music and Dance in Contemporary Culture(s). Nitra. pp. 28-41.

Geisenhainer K. 2019. Das Institut in Zeiten von Diktatur und Krieg. In Frobenius. Die Kunst des Forschens. : Katalog zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung im Museum Giersch, Frankfurt a.M. 24. März – 14. Juli 2019. Michael Imhof Verlag. pp. 46-55.