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Grenz S, Pereira MDM. 2009. Tuning an Interdisciplinary Introductory Gender Studies Course - the IP-Programme ‘Practising Interdisciplinarity in European Gender Studies’ in June 2008. Waaldijk B, Tuin EVD, editors. In The Making of European Women's Studies: A work in progress report on curriculum development and related issues in gender education and research. Utrecht: Athena. pp. 42-45.


Mader E, Budka P, Anderl E, Stockinger J, Halbmayer E. 2008. Blended learning strategies for methodology education in an Austrian social sciences setting. In Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2008: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). pp. 730-738.

Zuckerhut P. 2008. „Die Frauen haben Rechte, sie haben Besitz“. Enteignung und (Wieder-)Aneignung in einer Nahua-Gemeinde Mexikos. Bidwell-Steiner M, Ursula Wagner, editors. In Freiheit und Geschlecht. Offene Beziehungen, Prekäre Verhältnisse. Gendered Subjects. Innsbruck: StudienVerlag. pp. 139-155.

Chevron M-F, ed. 2008. Erscheinungsformen des Wandels. Wien: LIT Verlag. 126 p. (Wiener Ethnohistorische Blätter, Vol. 47/48).