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Seiser G. 2006. "Healthy Native Soil" Versus Common Agricultural Policy: Neo-nationalism and Farmers in the EU, the Example of Austria. Banks M, Gingrich A, editors. In Neo-Nationalism in Europe and Beyond. Perspectives from Social Anthropology. Berghahn Books. pp. 199-217.

Palmberger M. 2006. Making and Breaking Boundaries: Memory Discourses and Memory Politics in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bufon M, editor. In The Western Balkans: A European Challenge. Koper Annales. pp. 525.

Grenz S, Anim-Addo J, Covi G, Gomez Garcia L, Goodman S, Mina K, Liana B 2006. ReSisters in Conversation. Representation, Responsibility, Complexity, Pedagogy. York: Raw Nerve. 92 p.