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Thelen T, Alber E, Coe C, ed. 2013. The Anthropology of Sibling Relations: Shared Parentage, Experience, and Exchange. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 196 p.

Thelen T, Alber E, Coe C. 2013. The Anthropology of Sibling Relations: Explorations in Shared Parentage, Experience, and Exchange. Alber E, Coe C, Thelen T, editors. In The Anthropology of Sibling Relations: Shared Parentage, Experience, and Exchange. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 1-26.

Schweitzer P, Barnhardt R, Bermann M, Kaplan L. 2013. The Inuit Regions of Alaska. In Arctic Social Indicators II: Implementation. Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers. pp. 183-224.