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peer-reviewed publications in u:cris


Palmberger M. 2017. Renaming of Streets and Nationalizing Public Space: The Case of Mostar, Bosnia-Herzegovina. Rose-Redwood R, Alderman D, Azaryahu M, editors. In The Political Life of Urban Streetscapes: Naming, Politics, and Place. London: Routledge.

Löffler M. 2017. Restitution: Wiedergutmachung übersetzt in die Sprachen der Alliierten. Antisemitische Konnotationen einer Begriffsdebatte. Prager K, Straub W, editors. In Bilderbuch-Heimkehr?: Remigration im Kontext. Wuppertal : Arco Verlag. pp. 203-216.

Fillitz T. 2017. The Biennial of Dakar: Scales of Art Worlds-Networks. Leivestad HH, Nyqvist A, editors. In Ethnographies of Conferences and Trade Fairs. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 107-27.

Saxinger G, Öfner E, Nuykina E. 2017. The Russian North Connected – The Role of Long-Distance Commute Work for Regional Integration. Orttung R, editor. In Sustaining Russia´s Arctic Cities: Resource Politics, Migration, and Climate Change. London, New York: Berghahn Books.


Rohrbacher P. 2016. The Race Debate in the Curia in the Context of “Mit brennender Sorge”. Bouthillon F, Levant M, editors. In Un pape contre le nazisme? : L’encyclique “Mit brennender Sorge“ du pape Pie XI. (14 mars 1937).Actes du colloque international de Brest, 4-6 juin 2015. Brest: Editions Dialogues. pp. 93-108.

Rohrbacher P. 2016. Albert Drexel: Priester, Sprachwissenschafter, Völkerkundler und Mystiker. Pittrof T, editor. In Handbuch des literarischen Katholizismus : Das 20. Jahrhundert im deutschsprachigen Raum: Autoren und Werke. Berlin [in Druck].

Wiesböck L, Wanka A, Mayrhuber EA-S, Allex B, Kolland F, Hutter H-P, Wallner P, Arnberger A, Eder R, Kutalek R. 2016. Heat Vulnerability, Poverty and Health Inequalities in Urban Migrant Communities: A Pilot Study from Vienna. Filho WL, Azeiteiro UM, Alves F, editors. In Climate Change and Health: Improving Resilience and Reducing Risks. London/New York: Springer.

Geisenhainer K. 2016. Die Felsbildsammlung in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus. Kohl K-H, Kuba R, Ivanoff H, Burkard B, editors. In Kunst der Vorzeit: Texte zu den Felsbildern der Sammlung Frobenius. Frankfurt am Main: Frobenius-Institut an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main. pp. 43-53.

Schweitzer P. 2016. Albert C. Heinrich and the Post-World War II Trajectory of (Alaskan) Inuit Kinship Studies. Krupnik I, editor. In Early Inuit Studies: Themes and Transitions in Eskimology, 1850s–1980s. Washington D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press. pp. 265-288.