Welcome to the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Social and cultural anthropology adopts a comparative perspective to focus on the variety of forms that human coexistence takes in various places and at various times. In the past the field's attention was primarily given to small-scale societies outside of the industrial world. Nowadays, the focus of research is frequently on the processes related to colonialism, globalisation and the worldwide flows of migration seen in the present day, for example the redefinition of identities and cultural distinctions. The classical themes of local cultural interactions, organisational forms and world views are simultaneously developed, and intensive field research remains the field's defining characteristic in connection with the "participant observation" method.
Beyond scientific research, the practical application of cultural and social anthropological expertise is useful and sought after in many fields, including refugee work and integration, development cooperation, international missions, cultural mediation, exhibition and media work, tourism, and health care systems.
News & Events
Robert Böhm und Janina Kehr leiten das "WHO Collaborating Centre for Social and Behavioural Research in Antimicrobial Resistance"
Anmeldeschluss: 28.02.2025
Hermann Mückler erhält das Goldene Ehrenzeichen für Verdienste um das Land Wien.
Wir gratulieren!
Im Wintersemester 2024/25 beschäftigen sich BA Studierende unter der Leitung von Sabrina Steindl-Kopf und Gabriele Habinger mit den gesellschaftlichen Aushandlungsprozessen, die den öffentlichen urbanen Raum prägen.
IKSA, UniVie
Grundlagen – Anwendungsfelder – Praxisbeispiele
Susanne Blumesberger, Igor Eberhard, Elisabeth Hafeneder, Gertraud Novotny, Elisabet Torggler (eds.)
Event Tips
Eine internationale Wanderausstellung würdigt die Leistungen von 29 Forscherinnen aus dem Mittelmeerraum, die die renommierten Marie-Curie-Stipendien...
Christoph Kühberger
12.12.2024, 18:30 Uhr
Hier finden sich die aktuellen Events des Instituts an der ÖAW
in the research project “Medium-scale farmers in rural Africa: Transformations in belonging, property, kinship and power"
Global South Studies...
Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research (KLI)
applications until 28.02.2025
Hier geht es zu den aktuellen Stellenausschreibungen der Uni Wien.
Anmeldeschluss: 28.02.2025
WAU Congress 2025
submission deadline: 31.05.2025
fascion – the far-right’s weaponization of style
submission deadline: 15.04.2025