Welcome to the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology

Social and cultural anthropology adopts a comparative perspective to focus on the variety of forms that human coexistence takes in various places and at various times. In the past the field's attention was primarily given to small-scale societies outside of the industrial world. Nowadays, the focus of research is frequently on the processes related to colonialism, globalisation and the worldwide flows of migration seen in the present day, for example the redefinition of identities and cultural distinctions. The classical themes of local cultural interactions, organisational forms and world views are simultaneously developed, and intensive field research remains the field's defining characteristic in connection with the "participant observation" method.
Beyond scientific research, the practical application of cultural and social anthropological expertise is useful and sought after in many fields, including refugee work and integration, development cooperation, international missions, cultural mediation, exhibition and media work, tourism, and health care systems.

 News & Events


a virtual visit of the Digital Anthropology Lab in Tübingen

28.11.2024, 16:15 Uhr



Call for Papers


IKSA, UniVie

Einreichungsfrist: 30.11.2024

Presse & Medien

Anlässlich der aktuellen Semsterfrage spricht Janina Kehr in Interviews über die Verschreibung und Konsum von Antibiotika, den ökologischen Fußabdruck des Gesundheitssektors, und darüber, was die Forschung für eine gerechtere Gesundheit tun kann.


Klick dich durch die Präsentation und erfahre, wer was am Institut macht.

Click through the presentation and find out who does what at the department.

Presse & Medien

Janina Kehr über den Einsatz von Antibiotika und Benzodiazepinen und wie dieser reduziert werden kann

14.11.2024, news.at


every Friday, 18:30h

@Indonesian Embassy

free of charge

 Event Tips


Buchvorstellung von Julia Khrebtan-Hörhager

26.11.2024, 19 Uhr

Weltmuseum Wien

Hier finden sich die aktuellen Events des Instituts an der ÖAW


Australian National University

application deadline: 27.01.2025

within the project "Enacting (digital) citizenship from below: A study on care and the uses of digital infrastructure by refugees in Bosnia and...

within the project team "Enacting (digital) citizenship from below: A study on care and the uses of digital infrastructure by refugees in Bosnia and...


Call for Papers


IKSA, UniVie

Einreichungsfrist: 30.11.2024

Medical Anthropology Europe Conference Vienna, 16.-19.09.2025

Call for Panels open until 15.01.2025

established by Editing Press in 2018 with the aim of providing editorial assistance to postgraduates and junior academics

Deadlines three times a...