"Linked to Ink" in Moscow


The Moscow International Festival of Visual Anthropology "Mediating Camera"

invited the ethnographic film "Linked to Ink" (15 Min.) for its 7th edition.

May 15 - 20

The Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology Vienna will be represented by "Linked to Ink" at the "Debut Competition" of this year's edition of the festival.

"Linked to Ink"
A well educated urban middle class living in Vienna and their perceptions of and ties to tattoos are examined in "Linked to Ink" (15 min., A, 2016, HD) by methods of qualitative social research. Based on the stories of the protagonists a complex narrative about individual motifs and meanings of this permanent kind of body modification unfolds. The film reveals a selection of sociocultural realities in which tattooing has developed into an individualized form of art and representation.

The filmmakers Jörg Oschmann and Iris Omari Ansong are currently finishing their BA at the department. Moreover, Jörg Oschmann is running the editing suite (Videoschnittraum) of the department, supporting students and staff realizing their visual projects. 

The Film was made as a visual term paper for the seminar "physical embodiment" held by Mag. Dr. Puchegger-Ebner.