Welcome Day Header

At the start of the new academic year, the department invites everyone who is interested, but especially all students in their first semster to the Welcome Day!

On this day, you will not only get to know the department's premises as part of a varied program, but you will also have the opportunity to exchange ideas with the department's staff and network with other students.

We look forward to seeing you there!


The department introduces itself

  • 3pm | HS-A | in German
  • 4pm | HS-A | in English

The department behind the scenes - open door

  • from 3.30pm at the whole department
  • pay attention to the pink posters on the open doors
  • tip: Make a stop at the Vienna Visual Anthropology Lab

Meet your student's council/IG KSA and the working group anti-discrimination

  • Get to know your fellow students during ice breaker activities
  • from 3pm
  • at the Studi Café

Book fleamarket

  • Acquire anthropological works and basic literature for your studies
  • from 3pm
  • at the office B0402 - opposite of the library

Bring a picture/photo

  • that you associate with social and cultural anthropology
  • or draw a picture
  • and pin it on the blue pinboard

Discover the library (FB KSA)

  • Join us on a journey in the magazine and marvel at special works that are otherwise locked away
  • Find out what the Denkzettel is and why there is a racism-critical literature site
  • 4pm | FB KSA | in German

Click through the work of students

  • Look at and listen to the outcome of studentworks - podcast, websites, fotoblogs or films
  • from 3pm
  • at the EDV-room & Übungsraum

Puzzle rally to get to know the department

  • The questionnaire (in German) will be handed out from 2.45pm in the library (FB KSA)
  • A goodie awaits all those who return the completed questionnaire to the FB KSA by 6pm

Guided tour through the depatment's collection

  • 3.30pm and 4.30pm
  • at the Sitzungszimmer
  • registration from 2.45pm at the department

How can I also study abroad? Erasmus & co

  • Get an overview of the different mobility programs
  • from 3.30pm
  • at SR-A

Snacking with graduates

  • from 3.30pm
  • at HS-A