XXVI. Mesoamerican Studies Conference

Call for Papers

We extend a warm invitation to scholars, researchers, students, and enthusiasts in the field of Mesoamerican studies. The Departments of Social and Cultural Anthropology and Romance Languages and Literatures of the University of Vienna cordially invite you to the 26th Mesoamerican Studies Conference from January 31st to February 2nd 2025 in Vienna. The event will be held in collaboration with the Regional Working Group Mesoamerica of the German Anthropological Association, the Mesoamerican Research Group Vienna and the Austrian Latin America Institute.

This conference aims to provide a platform for researchers in archaeology, ethnology, ethnohistory, museum studies, Latin American studies, linguistics and literature, epigraphy, iconography, and related disciplines to present their current work and ongoing projects focused on the Mesoamerican region. Presentations can be delivered in German, Spanish, or English. Submissions from researchers currently working on their master’s thesis or dissertation are welcome as well.

The event will explore the theme of "700 years Tenochtitlan"; we encourage either separate presentations or an incorporation of this theme into your research topics. Beyond this focus, the conference is open to a wide range of topics and contributions.

Please submit abstracts by November 30th, including your name, academic affiliation, three keywords, title, and a 1,000-character abstract (including spaces) as a separate file attachment (docx or rtf format) to the following email address: patricia.zuckerhut@univie.ac.at.

Each presentation will have a duration of 20 minutes, followed by a 10-minute discussion slot. As this confer-ence seeks to foster essentially direct academic and personal exchanges, we adhere to a physical attendance format, preserving the tradition that has shaped this event for 25 years.

Additional information and the conference program will be available on this website starting January 7th 2025. Please informally confirm your participation by contacting patricia.zuckerhut@univie.ac.at.

Looking forward to seeing you in Vienna in January,

kind regards, Patricia Zuckerhut, Claudia Leitner, and the organizing team

Venues of the conference:

  • Dept. of Cultural and Social Anthropology, Uni Wien
    Neues Institutsgebäude (NIG), Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Wien,
  • Dept. of Romance Languages and Literatures, Uni Wien
    Spitalgasse 2, 1090 Wien
  • Österreichisches Lateinamerika-Institut
    Schlickgasse 1, 1090 Wien


Dr.in Patricia Zuckerhut: patricia.zuckerhut@univie.ac.at

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