Studienjahr 2024/25
- Dr. Stephan Dudeck (Research Institute for Sustainability, Helmholtz Center Potsdam, Gastprofessor)
LV: MM1 Co-Production of Knowledge - Dr. Natalia Picaroni-Sobrado (Antropóloga Social y Cultural, Universidad de los Lagos, Chile, Gastprofessorin)
LV: MM4 Multimodal, Creative und Public Anthropology
Studienjahr 2023/24
- Beatriz Ballestín-González, PhD (Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Erasmus Teacher Exchange)
LV: (MM3) Why don’t Anthropologists like children? An Introduction to the Anthropology of Childhood - Prof. Hana Cervinkova (Anthropology, Centre for European and Eurasian Studies, Gastprofessorin)
LV: (MM3) The Politics of Education. Anthropologies and Ethnographies of Schooling and Learning - Dr. Anna Jabloner (Department of Anthropology, Harvard University, Gastprofessorin)
LV: Race and Genetics: American Biopolitics (MM3) - Dr. Don Kalb (Department of Social Anthropology, University of Bergen, Gastprofessor)
LV: Value: A Radical Approach
- Beatriz Ballestín-González, PhD (Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Erasmus Teacher Exchange)
Studienjahr 2022/23
- Assoc. Prof. Uršula Čebron-Lipovec (Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Ljubljana, CREOLE Teaching Exchange)
LV: Vulnerabilities in health during Covid-19 pandemic (P4)
Dr. Franz Krause (Global South Studies Center, Universität zu Köln, Gastprofessor)
LV: Hydrosocial anthropology: waterworlds and wet ontologies (P4)
Prof. UAM dra hab. Izabella Main (Instytut Antropologii i Etnologii, Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan, CREOLE Teaching Exchange)
LV: Anthropological Aspects of Migration in/to Poland and Europe (P4)
Dr. Eva Nisa (School of Culture, History & Language, Australian National University
LV: Islam in the Contemporary World and Its Futures in Southeast Asia (P3, P4)
- Assoc. Prof. Uršula Čebron-Lipovec (Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Ljubljana, CREOLE Teaching Exchange)
Studienjahr 2021/22
- Prof. Shahram Khosravi (Department of Social Anthrpology, Stockholm University; Gastprofessor)
LV: Borders from Below (P4) - Dr. Grażyna Kubica-Heller (Institute of Sociology, Jagiellonian University; Gastprofessorin)
LV: Predicament of Memory: Through Documentary Film and Ethnography (Polish Cases) (P4) - Dr. Chandana Mathur (Maynooth University Department of Anthropology; Gastprofessorin)
LV: Toward an Anthropology of Water (P4) - Dr. A. Jamie Saris (Department of Anthropology, Maynooth University; CREOLE Teaching Exchange)
LV: Zombies and Extraterrestrials as Anthropological Objects (P4) - Dr. Corinne Schwaller, MA (Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Universität Bern; CREOLE Teaching Exchange)
LV: Scrutinizing Precarity - Anthropological Perspectives on a Ubiquitous Concept (P4) - David Shankland MA, PhD (Royal Anthropological Institute; Gastprofessor)
LV: Social Anthropology and its History (P2)
- Prof. Shahram Khosravi (Department of Social Anthrpology, Stockholm University; Gastprofessor)
Studienjahr 2020/21
Prof. Alessandro Monsutti (Graduate Institute Geneva; Gastprofessor)
LV: Refugees, Insurgents and Humanitarians: Towards a Global Ethnography of Afghanistan
Studienjahr 2019/20
- Prof. Aditya Bharadwaj (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, The Graduate Institute Geneva; Gastprofessor)
LV: Reproduction: Culture, Politics and Biomedicine - Paolo Silvio Harald Favéro, PhD (Visual and Digital Cultures Research Center (ViDi), University of Antwerp; Gastprofessor)
LV: Doing visual and sensory ethnography: dialogues between old and new techniques and tools - Prof. Jorge Grau Rebollo (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; CREOLE Teaching Exchange)
LV: Family life and coping strategies in contexts of sociocultural vulnerability: filmic approaches - Prof. Gavin Smith (University of Toronto; Gastprofessor)
LV: Doing Historical Realist Ethnography - Dr. Hannah Wadle (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań; CREOLE Teaching Exchange)
LV: "Sehnsucht" and its siblings. Anthropological Perspectives
- Prof. Aditya Bharadwaj (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, The Graduate Institute Geneva; Gastprofessor)
Studienjahr 2018/19
- Dr. Marie-Pierre Gibert (Université Lyon, Faculté d’Anthropologie; Erasmus Teaching Exchange)
LV: Mobility and Transnational - Dr. Elzbieta Drazkiewicz Grodzicka (Maynooth University; Erasmus Teaching Exchange)
LV: Conspiracy Theories: An Anthropological Perspective - Dr. des. David Loher (Universität Bern; Erasmus Teaching Exchange)
LV: Claiming rights. Social movements and their ambivalence towards law - Dr. Ruth Mandel(University College London; Gastprofessorin)
LV: Anthropology of memory and remembrance: Confronting Steine der Erinnerung - Dinah Rajak, PhD (University of Sussex; Gastprofessorin)
LV: Development, Markets and Ethical Economies - Prof. emeritus Stephen Reyna (Max Planck Institut für ethnologische Forschung; Gastprofessor)
LV: Theory, Structure, Critique: and the Search for happy Futures - Dr. Ratna Saptari Soetikno Slamet(Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, University of Leiden; Gastprofessorin)
LV: Globalization, Mobility and the Boundaries of Nationhood - Prof. Helena Wulff (Department of Social Anthropology, Stockholm University; Erasmus Teaching Exchange)
LV: Anthropological Writing Genres
- Dr. Marie-Pierre Gibert (Université Lyon, Faculté d’Anthropologie; Erasmus Teaching Exchange)
Studienjahr 2017/18
- Dr. Tony Crook(University of St. Andrews, GB; Erasmus Teaching Exchange)
- Dr. Stan Frankland(University of St. Andrews, Scotland)
LV: Anthropological Reflections on african 'Hunter-Gatherers'
- Prof. Dr. Dmitriy Funk(Dept. of Ethnology, Moscow State University; Non EU Teaching Mobility)
LV: “Resource Curse” Phenomena in Post-soviet Siberia (Russia): Anthropological Perspectives
- Dr. Pamila Gupta(University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa)
LV: Ethnographies of Travel, Leisure, and Heritage
- Prof. Eric Hirsch(Brunel University London; Erasmus Teaching Exchange)
- Prof. Dr. Paschalis M. Laksono, MA (Gadjah Mada University, Indonesien; Erasmus+ International Mobility)
- Dr. Johannes Neurath(Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico City)
LV: Ritual, Kunst und rekursive Anthropologie in Mesoamerika
- Jaka Repic, PhD(Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Ljubljana; Erasmus Teaching Exchange)
LV: Slovenian Diaspora and Return Mobilities: Art, Place and Memory
- Robert Rotenberg, BA MA PhD (DePaul University College of LAS, Chicago)
LV: Ethnographic Theory (P2)
Studienjahr 2016/17
- Dr. Bettina Beer (Universität Luzern, Schweiz)
LV:Slaves, Gold & Starbucks: Local Lifeways and Global Entanglements (P4)
- Mag. Dr. Martha-Cecilia Dietrich, MA (Universität Bern)
LV:Indigenous Media: Self-Representation, Identity Politics and Cultural Activism (P4)
- Mag. Dr. Anita Krainer (FLACSO, Ecuador)
LV: Nachhaltige Entwicklung und Interkulturalität in Lateinamerika (P3, P4)
- Patrick Plattet, PhD (University of Alaska Fairbanks)
LV: Anthropological approaches to myth and ritual (P4)
- Dr. Bettina Beer (Universität Luzern, Schweiz)
Studienjahr 2015/16
- Doz. Dr. Hildegard Diemberger (Pembroke College Cambridge)
LV: Anthropology of religion, the environment and climate change (P4)
- Mag. Dr. Sylvia Karl (Philipps Universität Marburg)
LV: Anthropologische Forschungen zu Konflikt, Krieg und Gewalt (3.3.2)
Postkoloniale Studien. Ein Überblick (P4)
- Emmanouil Spyridakis, Privatdoz. BA MA PhD (University of the Peloponnese, Greece)
LV: Anthropology of Work (P4)
- Paula Uimonen, BA MA PhD (Stockholm University)
LV: Digital Anthropology (P4)
- Doz. Dr. Hildegard Diemberger (Pembroke College Cambridge)